Indiana Homeschool Grads: Where are they now?
Home education in Indiana
These are the results of parent-directed, home-based, privately-funded education without government oversight. Indiana home educated graduates may be found in all walks of life. We salute these parents for taking full responsibility for the education of their children apart from government involvement.
Parent educational level: High School Diploma
Parent educational level: Associate Degree or other two-year educational program
Child: Graduated from Indiana Wesleyan University (John Wesley Honors College – 2012)
Graduated with a master’s degree in higher education and student development from Taylor University – 2014
Now in his first year studying for his master’s of arts in theological studies at Princeton Theological Seminary.
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Taylor University graduating senior. Internship was with the Indiana House of Representatives.
Accepted to Baylor Law School but waiting on all law school responses to make decision.
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Doctor of Pharmacy Purdue University 2015
Pharmacist with a large pharmacy chain.
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Attended Central Christian College of the Bible in Moberley, MO; where she graduated magna cum laude in Christian Education. She is presently serving a one-year internship at a Church of Christ in Illinois as their Director of Children’s Education. She is also preparing to enter the mission field in midyear 2017 – a one year (at least) stint in the rain forests of Ecuador.
Parent Level of education: High School Diploma
Parent Level of education: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Child: Earned a cosmetology degree and license. Married. Owned very successful salon for 6 years. Adopted three children. Sold her salon. Now full-time homemaker. Currently, homeschooling three children while also fostering several children.
Parent education level: High School Dropout
Parent education level: High School Diploma
Child: Received associate degree as a Registered Nurse. Served on Mercy Ship in Africa almost 3 years and is now an ICU nurse at southwest Indiana hospital.
Parent education level: Doctorate Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: BA from Bethel College. Employed by U.S. Representative. Campaign Manager for same Representative for Congress in 2016.
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Johnson University freshman. Possibly transferring to Anderson University to pursue Visual Arts major and play football.
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Parent education level: High School Diploma
Child: No post-secondary schooling, went into the workforce for two years and is currently a stay-at-home mom.
Parent educational level: High School Diploma
Parent educational level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Child: Studied music theory at Indiana Wesleyan for one year; Studied at a YWAM (Youth With A Mission) Discipleship Training School in Australia and New Zealand for 5 months (2012-2013); Graduated from Ivy Tech Community College with an Associates Degree in Applied Science and a Certificate in Medical Assisting. Is now working with the youth at our church in a ministry she founded. She also is an accomplished musician and singer and is on the praise team at our church along with leading praise at local ministries around central Indiana. She also enjoys working as a coffee barista in a Christian coffee bar.
Parent education level: Doctorate Degree
Parent education level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Child: ASN (nursing)–Ivy Tech (2011)
Biblical Foundations certificate–Word of Life Bible Institute (2012)
Internship–Vision of Hope (Residential Ministry Facility) (2014-2016)
BSN (nursing)–Western Governors University (2015)
Registered Nurse
School nurse for a County School Corporation in Florida (2016-present)
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: He entered Purdue University (West Lafayette campus) and enrolled in their Engineering school; declaring as a Mechanical Engineering major. He has completed two years of schooling, and is presently not in school, but, rather, working to save money so that he may return. His intent is to change majors; most likely to Civil Engineering.
While in high school, he played four years on a homeschool football team in Cincinnati, OH, competing against other homeschool (and a few public school) teams. He was the team’s Offensive Lineman of the Year and “All Conference” as a senior.
Parent education level: Some college or technical education
Parent education level: Some college or technical education
Child: Attended Huntington University (had academic scholarships). She earned a BS in Computer Science, Summa Cum Laude Working at a government contracting company, computer programming. She enjoys her job.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s degree
Parent education level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Child: BA in Graphic Design from Northern Kentucky University. Design Director for Indiana Association of Home Educators, Inc.’s The Informer magazine and Rock Steady Boxing, Inc.’s In Your Corner magazine and work for other clients. Stay-at-home wife and mother of two. They homeschool the children.
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Full Sail University, BS in Music Production; North Bennet Street School, certification in Piano Technology.
Currently employed as a piano technician and pursuing a career in the entertainment industry as a singer/composer/pianist.
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Working for a family-owned business to save money while deciding what he wants to study.
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Oakland City University received Bachelor’s in Early Childhood Education and a Minor in Business graduated Summa Cum Laude. Teaching in preschool.
Parent educational level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Parent educational level: High School Diploma
Child: Certified Birth Doula, Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator. Wife and mother.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: School of Discipleship 2-year graduate,
Mission Farrier School, certification of completion
On staff in Operations Department at a Christian western-themed retreat center and summer camp.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s degree
Parent education level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Child: Hillsdale College – BA in Accounting – Cum Laude
Worked as a Certified Public Accountant, but decided there is a greater interest in investment banking, so he is now a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA). Currently, working as a Legislative Aide in the Senate on Capitol Hill with a focus on banking. Plans to work in the private sector in investment banking, but enjoys political work while he was studying for the CFA.
Was admitted to the MBA program at Indiana University’s Kelley School of Business with scholarship money (program to prepare to pass the CFA exam), but decided to study for the CFA on his own. (The three CFA exams are each given once/year.) He passed them without the expense of grad school and the lost time from work.
Parent education level: Some college or technical education
Parent education level: Some college or technical education
Child: Attended Huntington University (had academic scholarships). She earned a BS in Digital Media Arts (Animation), graduated with honors
Working at a frame art and design shop – framing pictures. She loves her job!
Parent education level: High School Diploma
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: No college. Wife and mother.
Parent education level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Parent education level: High School Diploma
Child: 8 yrs homeschooled from 4-12th grade
Galen College of Nursing, RN degree
Working as a surgical nurse.
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Associates degree in Business from Grace College & Seminary – Indy campus. Hospitality Management certifications as required by FSU. Attending Ferris State University. Majoring in Hospitality Management. Pursuing Bachelors Degree.
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent educational level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Attended private out of state university, then finished a Bachelor of Science at an Indiana state university. Earned many IT and digital/electronics certifications. Worked at a university’s IT dept until 2012. Currently, employed as IT and digital communications specialist at another state university. He often, also, provides free-lance computer consulting and IT repair.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Doctorate Degree
Child: BA Education, Grove City College, Teacher, 6th Grade at top-rated charter school in Indianapolis IN.
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: She graduated in May of 2016. She is presently working as a barista at a coffee shop in Batesville, IN; and saving up to pursue a degree in culinary arts. Towards that end, she is already taking some courses at the local Ivy Tech to get some basic classes out of the way before entering college full time.
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent educational level: Master’s Degree
Child: Purdue University, Bachelor’s of Science in Electrical Engineering. Field service engineer for leading supplier of UHV surface analysis instrumentation.
Parent educational level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Parent educational level: High School Diploma
Child: Certified Birth Doula, CPM (midwifery) student.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: School of Discipleship 2-year graduate
Serving on staff at Christian western–themed retreat and summer camp in food service department.
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent educational level: High School Diploma
Child: Graduated from Purdue University, Bachelor’s degree
Private Indiana Wesleyan University, Master’s degree
Green belt
Manager at a company that manufactures and distributes modular kitchen cabinets and vanities to remodeling and new home construction markets. Gives presentations as a Quality Control Manager all over the U.S.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s degree
Parent education level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Child: Ivy Tech – Associates Degree in General Studies. Works retail while deciding what to do next.
Parent educational level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Parent educational level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: One year of college
Working professional artist (painting, drawing, etc.)
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent educational level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Attended local university for two years. (Deans list every semester.)
Parent education level: Doctorate Degree
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Child: Received a B.S. in Chemistry from Indiana Wesleyan University and an M.S. in Chemistry from the University of Illinois. Currently, working for an environmental laboratory in Indiana. Owns her own marketing business.
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent educational level: High School Diploma
Child: American cadet of golf in Florida.
Works in the golf industry at two golf courses.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s degree
Parent education level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Child: Currently, a junior at Boyce College seeking a BA in Biblical Counseling.
Bookkeeper for a lumber company while in college.
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Oakland City University-currently a senior
As of now she will graduate Summa Cum Laude with a Social Science Bachelor’s degree and a Minor in Religious Studies. She plans on continuing her education to earn a Master degree.
Parent education level: Doctorate Degree
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Child: Indiana University Bloomington
Currently, a senior on schedule to graduate in May 2017 with four majors within the Kelley School of Business
Works as an IU swim team manager and TAs for mid-level business course.
Parent educational level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Parent educational level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Correspondence school Art program
Associates equivalent
Transitioning from successful workplace to professional artist.
Parent educational level: Master’s Degree
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: IUPUI BS in Computer Science.
Employed in Computer Software at car-manufacturing and aero-engine manufacturing company.
Parent educational level: Doctorate Degree
Parent educational level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Graduated cum laude from Indiana Wesleyan University with a B.A. Stay at home mother of five.
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent educational level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Attended local university but did not graduate. IT specialist for a financial company
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: She received a full tuition scholarship from the University of Indianapolis. She graduated magma cum laude with a bachelor’s in social work. She is currently married and working as a social worker.
Parent educational level: Master’s Degree
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Indiana Wesleyan University BS in Nursing.
Employed in Home Healthcare.
Parent educational level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Parent educational level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Three full years of college
Bachelors in Culinary and Baking
Lead four years with Gigi’s Cupcakes
Part-time professional artist (digital media)
Full-time mother and homemaker
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent educational level: High School Diploma
Child: Certification in pest control.
Works for a fumigation company.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Private College, B.A., 1 Major
Currently, working as an Advisory Specialist at Financial Investment Company.
Parent educational level: Master’s Degree
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Grace University BA in Christian Education. Currently looking for employment (IT).
Parent educational level: Doctorate Degree
Parent educational level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Indiana Wesleyan University/Indiana State University BS
Magna cum laude
Stay at home mother of four.
Parent educational level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Parent educational level: High School Diploma
Child: Trine University
$80K in scholarship money
Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering
Works at Cummins as a Senior Combustion Engineer
Resides in Franklin, Indiana
Parent educational level: Master’s Degree
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Attended Ivy Tech and IUPUI – currently finishing a bachelor’s degree at IUPUI in public management. Is in the Air Force reserves.
Parent educational level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Parent educational level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Avocations of community theater and music
Pursuing a CNA focused on elder care. Working as activities assistant and bus driver for a retirement /nursing facility.
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent educational level: Master’s Degree
Child: Currently, a junior majoring in computer science at Cedarville University. Took dual credit classes at Ivy Tech Community College and graduated high school with 18 college credits.
Parent educational level: Some College or Technical Education
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Currently, attending college. Trained in hearing aid construction and repair. Working as an assistant executive director in a state administrator’s office.
Parent educational level: Master’s Degree
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Attended Ivy Tech, got a certificate in phlebotomy, and is now a stay-at home mother.
Parent educational level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Parent educational level: High School Diploma
Child: Trine University
$70K in scholarship money
Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice
Minor in History
ACJA (American Criminal Justice Association top shot.) (Best under 25 shooter in the U.S.A.)
Corrections Officer at Pendleton Correctional Facility.
Parent educational level: Master’s Degree
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Anderson University (2 years)
Horseback riding instructor.
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: B.A. History, Purdue University, Phi Beta Kappa; minor Political Science J.D. Indiana University Law School, graduated with honors Attorney in small law firm
Parent educational level: Doctorate Degree
Parent educational level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Rose Hulman Institute of Technology, BS in Computer Science.
Works for a multinational technology company.
Parent educational level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Parent educational level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Summa Cum Laude; Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and English writing.
Pursuing Master’s of Science in Education. Rehabilitation coordinator for provider of behavioral healthcare services.
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent educational level: High School Diploma
Child: Associates degree in agriculture.
Employed at a local dairy farm.
Parent educational level: Some College or Technical Education
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Self-taught web design. Worked several years in web design and received some training. Grassroots director for large national non-profit.
Parent educational level: Master’s Degree
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: 1.5 years out of high school. He started a successful full-time videography business.
Parent educational level: Master’s Degree
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Currently, attending IvyTech and working at Walmart.
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: He attended Bob Jones University and attained his bachelor’s degree in Computer Science. He has received Microsoft certification. He is a computer programmer now for a small company and a homeschooling dad.
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent educational level: Master’s Degree
Child: Currently, a sophomore double majoring in Accounting and Finance at Cedarville University.
Took dual credit classes at Ivy Tech and online thru Cedarville.
Graduated high school with 32 college credits.
Parent educational level: Some College or Technical Education
Parent educational level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Supervisor at a German plastics company.
Parent educational level: Some College or Technical Education
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Currently, attending Ivy Tech Nursing Program and working as a pie baker.
Parent educational level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Parent educational level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Pursuing electrical engineering degree.
Working as a life guard at YMCA.
Working as secretary / greeter at a non-profit that serves youth.
Parent educational level: Doctorate Degree
Parent educational level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, BS mechanical engineering
Graduated Cum laude; employed as a Mechanical Engineer.
Parent educational level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Parent educational level: Master’s Degree
Child: She attends a southwestern Indiana state university. She is preparing to graduate with her Associates in ASL and transfer to a central Indiana state university to work on her Bachelor’s. She is still working and going to school full time. With her free time, she attends Bible Study Fellowship.
Parent educational level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Parent educational level: High School Diploma
Child: Three semesters at Lubbock University. Dropped out of college due to cost. Currently, working in retail.
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent educational level: High School Diploma
Child: Studying for an Associates degree in IT.
Employed full-time and going to school full-time.
Parent educational level: Master’s Degree
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Completed two years at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University studying Global Security and Intelligence with a minor in Arabic. He is currently taking one year off school to work and will return to school for his junior year in the fall of 2017. He has completed internships at Indiana Intelligence Fusion Center and at a US Marshal’s Office. He currently works for an employer who provides premium solutions for professional safety in Indiana.
Parent educational level: Some College or Technical Education
Parent educational level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Ivy Tech, currently working towards a hospitality degree, Serve Safe certified, going to school full-time and working full-time at the reception desk at the Days Inn.
Parent educational level: Doctorate Degree
Parent educational level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Indiana State University, BS
Social worker in Indiana.
Parent educational level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Parent educational level: High School Diploma
Child: Owns photography business. Did not attend college or trade school. Currently, married and is expecting first child, working in photography business as well as a make-up artist at a local beauty/spa chain.
Parent educational level: Master’s Degree
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: In spite of graduating one year early, he is a freshman at Houghton College (New York) in the Science Honors program. He is studying physics and mathematics.
Parent educational level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Parent educational level: Master’s Degree
Child: Graduated May 2015 and is attending Marian University. Successfully finishing first semester. Working and going to school full-time while also managing sports interest by being on the collegiate cycling team.
Parent educational level: Master’s Degree
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: In spite of two brain surgeries and a lifetime of seizures and the related learning difficulties, the student graduated on time in the spring of 2016. Currently, going through therapies to recover fully from most recent surgery (January 2016), but hopes to begin an apprenticeship in upholstery in January 2017.
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Attended Bob Jones University and attained bachelor’s degree in computer science. He is a computer scientist and mid-level manager for a company that does business with large international companies. He and his wife homeschool.
Parent educational level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Parent educational level: High School Diploma
Child: Currently, looking for work and applying to trade school.
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Homeschooled K-4, Christian school 5th, public school 6th-8th, homeschooled 9th-12th. Started Ivy Tech Community College at 14 years old and IUPUI SPAN program at 15 years old.
Earned Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering at IUPUI. Earned Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering, Electronic Warfare, through his employer.
He and his wife were both homeschooled, both graduated from IUPUI with BS in Electrical Engineering, both employed by the same military employer as engineers. They now own a home and are fostering-to-adopt 3 children (siblings). Both are very active in church and volunteering.
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Attended Ball State University and received a Bachelor’s degree in Telecommunications.
Made Dean’s List all four years; he graduated Cum Laude.
He is a cinematographer and is working with a company in a major city producing promos, documentaries, and music videos.
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Graduated from Purdue University.
Earned B.S. Electrical Engineering, and then Ph.D. Electrical Engineering.
Currently, works as a research engineer at an Air Force Base.
Parent educational level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Parent educational level: High School Diploma
Child: Did not attend college nor trade school. Currently, working at a call center.
Parent educational level: Some College or Technical Education
Parent educational level: Master’s Degree
Child: Junior at Greenville College. Dean’s List – all college semesters to present. Mentors freshmen; works part time at a college ministry for low-income children.
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Graduated from Grace College with a B.S. in Criminal Justice. He is a civil officer with a county Sheriff’s Department.
Parent educational level: Doctorate Degree
Parent educational level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Covenant College, BA Elementary Education
Graduated Magna Cum Laude; teaching third grade in Marion, Indiana.
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: She graduated from IUPUI with a BS in Electrical Engineering.
She works as an engineer at a military base.
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Indiana University, Bloomington
B.S. Computer Science
Software Developer/Engineer at the headquarters for nation’s largest online retailer.
Parent educational level: High School Diploma
Parent educational level: Master’s Degree
Child: Homeschooled 4 years and started college at Indiana Wesleyan University in 11th grade. Currently in her Sophomore year there. She lives on campus.
Parent educational level: Doctorate Degree
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Attended (and did well academically) 2.75 school years at Moody Bible Institute before dropping out the middle of spring semester junior year. Received TESOL training–summer program certification with VOICE at Verity prior to attending college. Currently working full time at a call center for a jewelry company. Living independently away from home.
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent educational level: High School Diploma
Child: Learning disabled with Down Syndrome, but she volunteers each week serving milk to catholic elementary students and attends a day program.
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Currently, a freshman in college working towards a degree in Nursing.
Parent educational level: Doctorate Degree
Parent educational level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Attending Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology.
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent educational level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis Sophomore in Honors College as a Biomedical Engineering student. Selected upon interviews and essay writing as a Bepko scholar with full tuition, books, and fees scholarship + fellowship when he was 17. His goal is Ph.D. BME to continue advancements in prosthetics/biosignals to help amputees and those born missing limbs.
Parent educational level: Doctorate Degree
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Homeschooled K-12 with supplemental co-ops and JEL career center for senior year. Graduated from homeschool.
Attending Ivy Tech as a sophomore in her first year of the ASN Associate’s of Nursing program. Giving full time to pursuing this degree currently. Does a lot of informal ministry to/for classmates and people she rubs shoulders with in the community. Is licensed as an EMT in the state of Indiana.
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: BS in Youth Ministry Johnson Bible College (now University) 2007
1-year graduate studies Cincinnati University 2008
Mission Certificate Johnson University 2010
Language/ Culture Study Lecce University Lecce, Italy 2014-2015
Enrolled in Masters Program Johnson University 2014-
Youth minister Cumberland, MD 2015-2016
Soon to join missionary organization in Italy with his wife.
Parent educational level: Master’s Degree
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Associates degree in English. Writes for two websites and is an administrative secretary at our church.
Parent educational level: High School Diploma
Parent educational level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Earned double major Bachelors Degree in Music and Psychology from Lee University. Currently, a Grad Student at App State University studying Mental Health Counseling.
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Grace College; he will graduate in May with a B.S. in Biblical Studies.
Parent educational level: Master’s Degree
Parent educational level: Doctorate Degree
Child: Sophomore at The King’s College in New York City. As a freshman, she lived in Brooklyn Heights and navigated the city every day to find her way to the campus in the financial district in Manhattan. She also had to make her own meals, dress business casual, in addition to pursuing a rigorous classical education. She earned an internship with Salem Media Network (a well-known American author, speaker, and radio host’s show) during her freshman year. As a sophomore, she is on her house’s executive team, will go with the college president to Washington D.C. in January to meet with a Senator to discuss higher education, and has been asked to apply for a Rhodes or Marshall scholarship (graduate school).
Parent educational level: Master’s Degree
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Purdue University – West Lafayette, IN; Bachelor’s degree; Double Major in Mechanical Engineering;
Professional Engineering certification. Works as a Design Engineer for a Material handling equipment supplier.
Parent educational level: Master’s Degree
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Getting ready to graduate May 2017 with bachelor’s degree. Full-time honors student working two part-time jobs.
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Child: Earned his Bachelor’s Degree with majors in both political science and English in the honors program at Hillsdale College in Michigan. He has taught middle and high school students in a charter school and at camps for gifted students. Currently, tutoring in the writing center and working on his thesis to complete a masters degree in English at the University of Virginia.
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: He is a senior at Ball State University. Student will graduate in May with double degrees in business; a degree in finance and a degree in marketing. He will also graduate in the Honors College and spent a semester abroad in Australia.
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Purdue University, West Lafayette
B.S. Nursing
Pediatric nurse in a hospital that is an international leader in pediatric medicine, research and education.
Parent educational level: Master’s Degree
Parent educational level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Child: Indiana University, BA in Communications, Regional Analyst and Coordinator for a major automobile company.
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Cincinnati State Technical College
Associate degree in mechanical engineering technology
Working as a Test Technician for Cincinnati Testing Laboratories.
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Purdue University, West Lafayette
B.S. Classical Studies
Working as a homeschool mom to four little ones.
Parent educational level: Master’s Degree
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Graduated May 2016 and taking a gap year volunteering for Habitat for Humanity through leadership program of Americorps.
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: She is a junior at Indiana Wesleyan University. She is studying social work and is on track to graduate with a superior GPA and be accepted to complete her masters in one year through a special program there.
Parent educational level: Some College or Technical Education
Parent educational level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Graduated from International ALERT Academy where he received various certifications. Currently, working in a leadership role in the organization.
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: He currently attends the University of Southern Indiana. He received multiple scholarships and his major is Business. He is halfway through his four years there. Second semester of this year, he will be involved in a student exchange program which takes his studies abroad to Australia.
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent educational level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Accepted as Top Dean’s Scholar at the University of Indianapolis into Biology/Environmental Studies for Pre-Medical training. Selected to compete for a full scholarship in January. Goal:. MD in pediatrics or surgery.
Parent educational level: High School Diploma
Parent educational level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Graduated from Vennard College earning a double major in Bible and Business. Earned an MBA from Liberty University and has a Human Resources Management Certificate. Works for US Government.
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Working full time as office manager and taking classes or learning at business conferences.
Classes at IVY TECH Community College.
Parent educational level: Some College or Technical Education
Parent educational level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Ball State, attended for 2 semesters. Living at home and working locally.
Parent educational level: Some College or Technical Education
Parent educational level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: He was a Billy Mitchell Award winner and a National Merit Finalist.
He is a sophomore a private liberal arts college in Indiana, majoring in religion and philosophy. He carries a 3.9 GPA in Honors College and is the student worship director for the university’s chapel. He also works part-time as a music minister in a church.
He plans to attend seminary after obtaining his bachelor’s degree; his career goal is to be a chaplain in a hospital setting.
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Kentucky Community and Technical College; Vincennes University graduated with A & P Certificate: Ivy Tech Community College; Mid-America College of Funeral Service, graduated with an Associates Degree in Mortuary Science.
Worked as licensed funeral director. Now starting a new job with an American regional airline based in Arizona as an airplane maintenance mechanic. Lots of self-employed work on construction, home repair, and tree cutting. Married.
Parent educational level: Master’s Degree
Parent educational level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Child: No post-secondary yet, works at home improvement center.
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: She graduated last spring (May 2016), but is finishing up her cosmetology license program this year while living at home. In the fall of 2017, she plans to begin a four-year nursing degree program.
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent educational level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Sophomore at Bob Jones University
Parent educational level: Doctorate Degree
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: 3 semesters Belhaven University
BA in theology Moody Bible Institute
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: BS Youth Ministry Johnson Bible College 2010
Enrolled IUPU Columbus, IN in Mechanical Engineering Tech 2014-present
Four years youth minister at an Indiana Christian Church 2010-2014
Mechanical Tech for a diesel engines power company 2015-present
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent educational level: Master’s Degree
Child: Freshman at Bethel College in Mishawaka, XC/Track athlete, Graphic Art major
Parent educational level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Parent educational level: Master’s Degree
Child: ITT Tech, GM Automotive, Sinclair College Master Mechanic – Many levels Head mechanic for large corporations – and sought after
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Attended Ivy Tech Community College where she received an Associates Degree and became an RN. She worked for one year in the emergency room of a local hospital and 7 months ago moved to Haiti where she is a missionary and the NICU nurse at an orphanage.
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: One year at The Master’s Mission, a remote-area missions training program in North Carolina. Completion of one-year Bible program at TMM. Completion of management training from Goody’s corporation. Was a store Manager for Goody’s for two years. Married and works now as a photographer and office management trainer in Tel Aviv, Israel.
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Cedarville University, BA in Graphic Design. Graphic Designer at a design firm, Columbus, OH
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Parent education level: High School Diploma
Child: Ivy Tech Community College, Associate’s Degree in business; Business Sales Division at a mobile phone company.
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Graduating with a Bachelor degree May 2017 from North Central University. Is in the process of applying to graduate schools.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Homeschooled 9th through 12th Currently attending IUPUI with straight As in double major of Electrical Engineering and Physics and doing research on campus in Physics dept.
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Graduated high school this year. Attending Holsby Brun, a one-year Bible school in Sweden.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Employed in agriculture.
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: University of Cincinnati, College-Conservatory of Music, BM in Cello Performance. Professional Musician
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Child: Friend’s child I schooled grades 7-12 Special needs low IQ, Cerebral Palsy, autism; Needed remedial level courses. Graduated with a diploma and is working at Payless.
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Northern Kentucky University, BFA in Applied Photography. Multiple jobs: Musician with several local groups in Cincinnati, Barista at coffee shop in downtown Cincinnati, A/V Technician at local church
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Parent education level: High School Diploma
Child: Ivy Tech Community College, Associate’s degree in web design. Web designer at a business that enables educators to improve college and career planning, admissions and enrollment management, student success and advising.
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Indiana University Southeast for a Business and Accounting degree with a minor in Spanish. Certified Public Accountant. She is a CPA at a regional accounting firm in New Albany, IN and is married with a 6-month-old daughter.
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Cincinnati State Technical College, Mechanical Engineering Technology, currently a freshman
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Currently in her first semester at Liberty University, but classified as a sophomore due to dual credit classes and CLEP scores.
Parent education level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Parent education level: High School Diploma
Child: Associates degree. Currently attending college for bachelor’s degree. Attending college full-time; working part-time; volunteer in ministry.
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Indiana University Southeast for a Registered Nurse degree. She is certified to be a medical Spanish translator. She is an RN at a Louisville hospital and is married with a 1-month-old son.
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Parent education level: High School Diploma
Child: Ivy Tech Community College, Associate’s in General Studies. Northern Kentucky University, Bachelor’s in Finance.
Xavier University, Ph.D. in Finance (2017)
Customer finance adviser, at a national investment firm
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: IUPUI BS in Criminal Justice, master’s degree from a military academy. Currently serving as a Captain in the US Air Force.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: IUPUI-BS in biomedical engineering
Johns Hopkins University–MD/PhD student
Studying to be a medical scientist.
Parent education level: Doctorate Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, BS Computer Science, 2012
University of Illinois, Master’s Degree Computer Science, 2014
Now: Univ of Illinois, working on Doctorate in Computer Science
Parent education level: Doctorate Degree
Parent education level: Doctorate Degree
Child: Earned bachelor’s degree in Biology. Currently, attending medical school at Vanderbilt University with a full-tuition scholarship.
Parent education level: Doctorate Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Attended Franklin College receiving a BS Degree and Indiana University School of Law receiving a Jurisdoctorate degree, both on scholarship.
He has been employed as a County Prosecutor for the past 10 years and currently supervises 30 plus deputy prosecutors and is certified to prosecute homicide cases and other serious “A” felonies.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Graduated from Ball State University with a Bachelor’s Degree and Master’s Degree in Computer Technology. Worked for a company that is a worldwide leader in IT and is now working for the State Department. He did two deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan with the Indiana Army National Guard.
Parent education level: Bachelors Degree
Parent education level: Bachelors Degree
Child: Current Sophomore at Taylor University studying Computer Science.
Parent education level: High School Dropout
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Taylor University- Bachelor’s Degree
Ball State University- Master’s Degree
Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester- Ph.D.
She has become quite renowned internationally in Musicology. She regularly presents her work at national and international conferences, with presentations including the national meetings of the American Musicological Society, the 18th Biennial Conference on Nineteenth-Century Music, the First Transnational Opera Studies Conference, and the Twenty-Second Conference of Europeanists.
She received the 2015 Transnational Opera Studies Conference Award for best presentation by a scholar under thirty-five years of age for her paper “Mechanical Reproduction and the Modern Prima Donna: Jeanne Hatto’s 1900 Phono-Cinéma-Théâtre Performance.”
Teaching as an assistant professor in her area of musicology on a tenure track at Syracuse University.
Parent education level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Parent education level: High School Diploma
Child: Attending Grace College in Winona Lake, Indiana, majoring in Graphic Design and minoring in Marketing.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Lake Forest College- BA-Business
Indiana University McKinney Law School JD
Graduated college Magna cum laude
Director of Insurance and Risk Management for international company
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Associates in Paramedic Science, IUPUI, fire rescue training, business owner. Private pilot license. Works as a paramedic/fireman. Owns landscaping and lawn care services company that serves residential and commercial properties.
Parent education level: Doctorate Degree
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Child: BA-University of Indianapolis; MA: University of Wisconsin. four years Peace Corps in Africa. Works for U.S. Government volunteer program headquarters, Washington D.C.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: IUPUI-senior seeking BA in English.
Will complete Master’s in linguistics at IUPUI in 2018.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: School of Discipleship 2 year graduate, Bachelor’s degree from North Tennessee, Masters degree from Liberty University w/ highest honors.
Teaches at an International School in Dare Es Salaam, Tanzania serving with a non-denominational Christian ministry for youth.
Parent education level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Parent education level: High School Diploma
Child: Attended and graduated from a 2-year Bible Institute program that is fully accredited by TRACS and is currently non-degree granting. Currently, continuing education in a cross-cultural intern program in conjunction with a Christian Fellowship and a university in Pennsylvania. In fundraising preparation to move to Ontario, Canada, to serve as Assistant Dean of Men at a Bible Institute extension campus there. Married with 2 children.
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Parent education level: High School Diploma
Child: He attended North Central University in Minneapolis, MN and received a Bachelor’s degree in Cross Cultural Ministries and a minor in Business. He is also an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God. He and his wife spent two years on the mission field in North Africa and currently are pastoring a church in Wisconsin. He is also a chaplain with Corporate Chaplains of America.
Parent education level: High School Diploma
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Attended several Indiana universities and will graduate in Jan. 2017. She’s working to support the family but looking for a job in her field.
Parent education level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Parent education level: High School Diploma
Child: 5 years homeschooled, from 8-12th grade; Northern Kentucky University, no degree earned. Certificate earned for International Board Certified Lactation Consultant; Lactation Consultant, stay at home mother to 7 children, homeschooling 4 right now.
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Working for a candy company.
Does not plan to continue education.
Parent education level: Doctorate Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, BS Mechanical Engineering, 2015
Now: Engineer, at world’s leading integrated steel and mining company.
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Nursing degree, graduated from Pensacola Christian College with honors. Mission work in Cambodia and Brazil. Today she is the mother of two, works as an ICU nurse, plans to home educate.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Child: BSN from Indiana Wesleyan University, NP from Indiana University.
She is a family nurse practitioner.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Doctorate Degree
Child: Culinary degree from Indiana Culinary Institute, baker at local bakery
Parent education level: Doctorate Degree
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Child: BA: Hanover College; MS: University of Western Washington. Small businessman-farmer.
Parent education level: Doctorate Degree
Parent education level: Doctorate Degree
Child: Junior in college, majoring in chemistry. Applying to medical school next year.
Parent education level: High School Diploma
Parent education level: High School Diploma
Child: Graduated in 2016 with a Core 40 equivalent diploma. Earned dual credits at a local college, during the four years in high school used Hillsdale’s online course for government. Took several high school classes through a local high school to get some high school credits. He was able to get his lifeguard certification during high school with his flexible schedule. He was accepted into four different colleges and in August started attending Grace College and Seminary school in Warsaw. Will earn a degree in Exercise Science.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Public University, B.A. 1 Major, 3 Minors
Private University, M.A.
Currently working as Executive Assistant at a Construction Industry Association.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Lake Forest College- BA Biology
Starting accelerated Nursing program in January 2017.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Child: BFA from Belmont University- piano pedagogy, piano performance, and Spanish, MFA from Rice University- Vocal Coaching. She teaches piano and vocal coaching. She spends her summers in Italy playing for an opera workshop.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: IUPUI–seeking BS in business finance will graduate in 2020.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Child: Homeschooled all 12 years plus a super senior year for medical reasons.
Currently, a Freshman attending IUPUI as an Honors Math and Electrical Engineering dual major.
Parent education level: Doctorate Degree
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Grace College
Unfinished online CPA in progress.
Living and working in Costa Rica.
Parent education level: Doctorate Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Ivy Tech Community College, Terre Haute, Nursing Program, preparing to take RN exam 2017.
Parent education level: Doctorate Degree
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Child: BA: Butler University. Certifications in insurance and stocks. Personal financial analyst/advisor/investor
Parent education level: Doctorate Degree
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Child: Received a B.S. in Chemistry from Indiana Wesleyan University, M.S. in Biochemistry from Texas A&M University, and a doctorate in BioPhysics from Ohio State University. Currently, working as a researcher studying anthrax vaccines for a company on the East Coast.
Parent education level: Doctorate Degree
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Child: Indiana University Bloomington – Bachelor of Arts in Political Science
Full-time position in Indiana State Government (IEDC) and part-time law student at IU McKinney School of Law – Indianapolis (full-ride)
Also involved in several political circles.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s degree
Parent education level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Child: Homeschooled from 3rd grade until graduation. Still currently a student at Ivy Tech.
Parent education level: Doctorate Degree
Parent education level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Child: BA Sign Language Interpreting–Bethel College (2011)
BA Psychology–Bethel College (2011)
MS- Counseling & Human Services (Endorsements in Community Mental Health Counseling and in
School Counseling)–Indiana University South Bend (2015)
3) Educational Interpreting License, School Counseling License, EMDR certification
4) Sign language interpreter–a northern Indiana Community School Corporation (2011-2015)
School Counselor at high school in northern Indiana School Corp. (2015-present)
Northern Indiana high school Teacher of the Year Award 2016
Parent education level: Doctorate Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, BS Mechanical Engineering, 2014
Now: Research and Design Engineer for a research and development corporation.
Parent education level: Doctorate Degree
Parent education level: Doctorate Degree
Child: College sophomore majoring in Biology.
Parent education level: Doctorate Degree
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Child: Rosedale Bible College – Biblical Studies Certificate; Thomas Edison University – Bachelor of Arts in Music; St. Mary’s of the Woods – Bachelor Equivalency in Music Therapy
Music Therapy Certification
Working full-time as a Music Therapist for a private Music Therapy business.
Parent education level: Doctorate Degree
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Child: BA Ball State University. Certified landscape architect.
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Some college, Pensacola Christian. Licensed real estate broker, works for family’s educational supply store, and sells real estate.
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Parent education level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Child: Graduated in 2015 from IUPUI with a biology degree. Works in the genetic toxicology at a global contract research organization and drug development services company. Married and one child.
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: She received a full tuition scholarship from Bellarmine University and graduated with a BS in Biochemistry. She is married with two children. She is currently applying to graduate school to pursue a doctorate in physical therapy.
Parent education level: High school diploma
Parent education level: High school diploma
Child: Attended a private university earning dual credits through high school to apply toward whatever degree he chooses to pursue in college. Employed by leading music technology and instrument retailer. Currently, he is a co-owner of a printing business that will be moving out of state in March. He is married to his high school sweetheart.
Parent education level: Doctorate Degree
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Child: BA Hanover College. Travel agent
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Purdue University First Year Engineering
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: One semester at Ivy Tech. Project and tech manager for a Realty and Construction company.
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Home educated solely from kindergarten through 10th grade. He then attended a vocational program half-time and homeschool the other half for his last two years of high school. He is currently enrolled in college completing his first year pursuing a degree for dental hygienist. He also works part time.
Parent education level: Doctorate Degree
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Ball State University Bachelor’s degree. Assistant manager in restaurant.
Parent education level: Doctorate Degree
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Child: Asbury University/Thomas Edison University – Bachelor of Arts in Music
Has recently applied to five graduate programs to work on a Master in Music Theory degree and is awaiting acceptance.
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Artist, commissioned painter, illustrator of two books, has a registered trade mark on a cartoon.
Parent education level: High School Diploma
Parent education level: High School Diploma
Child: Graduated in Dec. 2016 with a Core 40 equivalent diploma and utilized the local college to get a semester and a half done of college earning dual credits. Decided to pursue a CNA at a local nursing home and is now working at our local hospital. She was able to also use Hillsdale online courses and a few online classes from our local school during her high school years.
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Currently, a freshman at IUPUI working toward majors in Journalism and Political Science.
Parent education level: Doctorate Degree
Parent education level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Child: BS in Wildlife–Purdue University 2014
Certified Interpretive Guide
Wildland Fire Fighter II certification
Animal Keeper–an Indiana Children’s Zoo (2015-present)
Wildlife Technician–an Indiana Lake (2014-2015)
Interpretive Naturalist–Environmental Conservation Organization (2015-present)
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Graduate of West Point— United States Military Academy
serving in the United States Army — Engineering division.
Parent education level: Doctorate Degree
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Cosmetology degree. Cutting hair, traveling, and performing music. Has an eBay business.
Parent education level: Doctorate Degree
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Child: Asbury University
Is a sophomore at Asbury University majoring in history and Latin.
Parent education level: Doctorate Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Currently, a student at Moody Bible Institute.
Parent education level: Doctorate Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Graduated from Purdue University, BS Biomedical Engineering and MS Electrical Engineering with high honor, National Merit Scholar, Beering Scholar.
He is working for a defense contractor in Washington DC, developing radar for military and national security applications. He and his wife have a one-year-old and plan to homeschool their children.
Parent education level: High School Diploma
Parent education level: High School Diploma
Child: Co-manages family retail business.
Parent education level: Doctorate Degree
Parent education level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Child: BA in English–Taylor University (2015)
Transition to Teaching program–Taylor University (2016)
Teaching License–Indiana
Teaching Freshman English at an inner city combination middle and high school–Indianapolis Public Schools (2016-present)
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Graduate of Indiana University-Hospitality, Event Management, and Tourism.
Actively looking for work in her field in various cities.
Mentoring and leading Bible study for undergraduate girls in Navigators at Indiana University.
Parent education level: High School Diploma
Parent education level: High School Diploma
Child: Grace College graduated with double major in graphic design and photography.
Currently employed by Mom365 as a photographer, runs own business in photography and designing greeting cards.
Parent education level: Doctorate Degree
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Piano tuning and video repair program (Randy Potter School) and personal instruction. Bible school at Ellerslie Discipleship Training. Piano tuning and repair, composing and performing music, working in church – discipleship and leading choir.
Parent education level: Doctorate Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Purdue University, BS Health Sciences with high honor. Presidential Scholar.
EMT certified. He is a third-year medical student at Indiana University and doing rotations this year. He has been on 2 three month long medical missions trips to third world countries and plans to do a rotation through IU Med. School in Uganda next year. He is planning to be a missionary doctor in a third world country at a church-sponsored mission.
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Anderson University, Bachelor’s degree
Teaching license
Teaching kindergarten in public school.
Parent education level: High School Diploma
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: New Jersey state university, Bachelor of Arts in History
Dance teacher for two dance studios.
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Marquette University, BS in Biomedical Engineering. Culinary Institute of America, ACAP certification in Culinary Arts. Employed as a Sous Chef in a 5-star restaurant.
Parent education level: Doctorate Degree
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Personal training in piano tuning and repair, experience for five years on an organic farm, learning to lay hardwood floors. Working at Amish woodworking business laying hardwood floors. Piano performance.
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Anderson University; working toward Bachelor’s degree.
Parent education level: Doctorate Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Purdue University and IUPUI, Presidential Scholar, Dean’s list. National Merit Commended Scholar. AP Scholar.
He is a senior in Electrical Engineering and will graduate this coming May. He has already signed a contract for a full-time engineering job with a Fortune 100 company. He will begin full-time employment this summer.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Child: Took some college courses during high school. Geneva College (Beaver Falls, PA), Bachelor’s of Science in Engineering (Civil and Mechanical). Designs water and wastewater filtration for one of the world’s largest manufacturers of electrolyzers, electrodes, coatings, electrochemical and water treatment technologies.
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Graduated from Empire Beauty school for her Esthetician license.
Went to pre-professional ballet school for last eight years.
Now working for national beauty store chain in Indiana as their Esthetician and special events make-up artist.
Plays piano on worship team at church.
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Homeschooled 11-12th grades. He is working for a major Midwest utility contractor and is married with two children.
Parent education level: Doctorate Degree
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Learned by instruction – homebuilding, tree trimming. Working for a local tree service and construction company. Volunteers at an interdenominational faith ministry producing topical Scripture booklets, Bible studies, and New Testaments for free worldwide distribution.
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Graduated from IUPUI: Mechanical Engineering degree. Graduated from a community college: Design Assoc. Degree. He is a graphic artist at leading designer and manufacturer of on-trend, high-impulse products for various markets from convenience stores to big box retail located in Indiana. He also is a coach at a fencing club. He is still involved in the local church in which he was raised.
Parent education level: Doctorate Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: IUPUI. She is a junior in the Indiana University School of Nursing. Honors College Student. Dean’s List. Chancellor’s Scholar. National Merit Commended Scholar. AP Scholar.
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Homeschooled 10-12th grades. Employed by a manufacturer of rubber products.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: He is a senior at LeTourneau University studying civil engineering water resources. He is testing wells to build in west Africa in May. He has several companies interested in him.
Parent education level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: She went to Ivy Tech Community College and got her Associates in education.
She is enrolled at an Indiana University East, Major Elementary Education.
She will be doing her student teaching next semester and graduating in May with her Bachelor’s Degree.
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Dual credit at Ivy Tech, attended a one year at Crossroads Bible College; credits earned thru the University of the Nation and working toward a degree thru them. TESOL certified. During freshman year she decided that she wanted to be a missionary. So she did a 6-month training with YWAM in England and then was on staff with YWAM-Harpenden for 2 years. She is currently on staff at YWAM-Durres, Albania.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Freshman at Grace College studying world languages.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: She attended Purdue University and graduated with a BSRN in Nursing. She is currently working at a doctor’s office in Indiana.
Parent education level: Doctorate Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: IUPUI. She is a junior in the Indiana University Radiation Therapy department. Honors College Student. Dean’s List. Chancellor’s Scholar. National Merit Semi-Finalist. AP Scholar.
Parent education level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: He is in his third semester at Ivy Tech as a full-time student and working two part-time jobs.
His Major is Communications. He recently surrendered to God’s calling him to the ministry.
Parent education level: Doctorate Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Graduated from Clearwater Christian College. He now teaches at an Indiana High School as a JAG instructor. (Jobs for America’s Graduates) He oversees at- risk students to make sure they graduate and go on to jobs/college.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Child: Took some college courses during high school. Graduated from Purdue University with a BSN. Works as a floor nurse in progressive care at an Indianapolis hospital.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Child: Homeschooled 8 yrs from 5th grade to 12th grade.
She went to Indiana University – Bloomington.
She earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Anthropology and also Underwater Archaeology plus a certificate in Underwater Resource Management.
She is working as an archaeologist in California contracted by various companies such as the Bureau of Land Management and the US Navy.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Child: Graduated from Indiana Wesleyan University, April 2015, B.S. with majors of Leadership and Strategic Communications, graduated Summa Cum Laude. Served one year as a Vincentian Volunteer for St Vincent dePaul, in Ohio. Currently working in the PR/Communications Department of the headquarters of a Christian ministry located in Indiana.
Parent education level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Homeschooled 8yrs.
Purdue Bachelors
Masters University of Phoenix
Communications Director for a teachers’ union
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Attended Purdue University and graduated with a BS in Landscape Architecture. She is currently undergoing a job search to work in her chosen field.
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Currently, attending Indiana Wesleyan University in Marion, IN, studying Theatre/Strategic Communications. Selected to be part of the Emerging Leaders Consortium, works part time, and is involved with the theater productions.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Child: Homeschooled K-8, graduated public high school as Valedictorian, and National Merit Finalist. Currently, working as a specialized CNA for a major hospital in this area and pursuing his nursing degree.
Parent education level: Doctorate Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Graduated from Ball State University with a degree in Telecommunications. He owns a video production company, works freelance in videography for major sports teams and other sports venues. He also works with a logistics company.
Parent education level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Homeschooled 8 years; Taylor University Bachelor’s Degree; Marian University Master’s Degree; RN
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Child: Homeschooled 5 1/2 yrs from the middle of 7th grade to 12th grade. He went to Kettering University and finished online at Harrison College. He earned a Bachelor of Science degree in International Business Administration. He is working as a mixologist/bartender at one of the largest bar/nightclubs in Indiana. He also is a 1st lieutenant in Civil Air Patrol. He is currently Safety Officer, in an adjacent state, in charge of most of the north and eastern half of the state. He is always on call for disaster relief or search and rescue operations.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Junior at Purdue University majoring in Mechanical Engineering. Working on BS, Society of Manufacturing Engineers Director’s Scholarship recipient. Studying engineering in Europe via Purdue’s Study Abroad Program.
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Currently, a nursing student at Indiana University Southeast, junior year pursuing a BSN; received many scholarships in this competitive nursing program and has a 3.8 GPA. She has a CNA certificate. She works as an ER Tech at a private hospital in southern Indiana.
Parent educational level: High School Diploma
Parent educational level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Earned Associates Degree from the University of Southern Indiana. Certified Gemologist working for a diamond broker.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Child: Took some college courses during high school. Currently, a junior at Oklahoma State University majoring in mechanical engineering. Has had summer internships at a leading global supplier of technologies for the automotive and commercial vehicle market, making vehicles smarter, safer, and efficient beginning the summer after high school and will return there next summer.
Parent education level: High School Diploma
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: IUPUI Honors program: Mechanical Engineering BS/MS
Working as an engineer for a local firm. This Spring will begin Ph.D. program in Mechanical Engineering through Purdue.
Parent education level: Doctorate Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: He played college baseball at Grace College in Indiana where he graduated with a graphic design degree. He does freelance design and also works part-time at a mortuary and at a jeweler.
Parent education level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Homeschooled 5 yrs.
Some college
Works for a large insurance company.
Parent education level: Doctorate Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, BS Mechanical Engineering, 2010
Now: Engineer for manufacturer of automatic-dimming rear-view mirrors and camera-based driver assistance systems for the global automotive industry.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Currently, attending Anderson University. Due to dual credit prior to graduation from high school, he plans to graduate from Anderson in a total of three years with a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration.
Parent education level: High School Diploma
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: IUPUI BS Mechanical Engineering Technology; Six Sigma certification
Stay at home wife. (Married to another homeschooler who is an aeronautical engineer.)
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Freshman at Purdue University majoring in Engineering with a minor in French and Art; pursuing on BS degree.
Parent education level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Purdue Bachelors in AG
Works for organic farm.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Child: Homeschooled K-8, graduated from public high school in top 15% of class. Currently, working with automobiles and is employed at a local car repair/oil change/tire store.
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Currently, a computer science freshman at IU Southeast.
Works 30 hours/week in retail while juggling his studies with an A average.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: BA Professional photographer
Parent education level: High School Diploma
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Freshman at IUPUI Honors program. Major will either be Elementary Education or Linguistics.
Parent education level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Purdue AG graduates in June.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: High School Diploma
Child: He took a year off after high school working construction. He is a freshman at Indiana Wesleyan University, double majoring in computer information systems and political science.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: BA Looking for a job.
Parent education level: Doctorate Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: He will be graduating from Ball State University in May of 2017 with a degree in Marketing/Advertising. He worked an internship with a concrete company and is currently employed with a non-profit serving underprivileged children as a fundraiser while taking an 18-hour course load.
Parent education level: Doctorate Degree
Parent education level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Child: Currently, a freshman at Cedarville University and studying computer science.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Two years of college completed.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Purdue University; Krannert School of Business; Bachelors Degree. Works for American Fortune 500 corporation that designs, manufactures, and distributes engines, filtration, and power generation products; apprenticeship program; married, two children.
Parent education level: Doctorate Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Graduated from Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology. BS Mechanical Engineering, 2009 Working temporary jobs.
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Moved out at 19 and is a supervisor at a masonry company. He’s working hard and making great money.
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Working as receptionist part-time to earn money for college classes.
Would like to study music.
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Child: Earned her Bachelor’s Degree from Indiana Wesleyan University with majors in both youth and children’s ministry and a minor in Christian education. She earned her M.Div. with honors from a private, Christian university in Mississippi and now is working for the seminary. She is married to a paramedic.
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Currently attends Concordia University Wisconsin, plans to graduate May of 2017.
Plans to student teach during the upcoming semester.
Parent education level: High School Diploma
Parent education level: High School Diploma
Child: Freshman at Indiana Wesleyan University, and is majoring in Song Writing. He is also in the John Wesley Honors College, which he qualified for based on his GPA, SAT scores, a written essay, and an interview. Qualified for the Dean’s Scholarship, based on his SAT scores.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Attended STEP program at ALERT Academy, earned basic emergency medical certs. Enrolled in R.N. nursing school at Danville Community College, Illinois, in 2011 but declined to finish the RN training and licensure. Instead, she worked as CNA and personal medical care (PCA) professional for several years. Recently completed the Oxford TESOL program and certification, is awaiting first teaching assignment. While currently living at home (with Mom) she has traveled, lived and worked in many locations since 2009.
Parent education level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Some community college/dual credit. Attended Grace College Indianapolis for one year then transferred to Asbury University majoring in media.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Employed as a full-time nanny.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: A few classes at Ivy Tech Community College. BA in History from Hillsdale College. Beginning Master’s program for Classical Education at the University of Dallas next month. Will receive certification for education in May ’17. He is teaching at a charter school in Phoenix, Arizona. His ultimate goal is to move into charter school administration with an emphasis on classical education.
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Child: Has one year of college and made Dean’s List 4.0 GPA. Indiana Wesleyan University. Worked as an editor. Published author of sixteen e-books, one print and e-book.
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Child: BA English, Anderson University Magna Cum Laude.
Currently nannying as husband is in Seminary and working on MA in Biblical Studies, Trinity Seminary, Ambridge, PA
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Attended Ivy Tech Community College where she received an Associates Degree. She is now a surgical technologist at a local hospital.
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Senior at Indiana University; Kelley School of Business – will earn B.A. in Accounting & Management Information Systems in May 2017 then already accepted into M.S. in Information Systems for 2017-2018 academic year; Undergrad senior – summer internships at Elanco, Lilly, and Ernst & Young.
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Child: BA IPFW, Anthropology
MA St. John’s, Annapolis, MD Classical Studies
Currently working on second MA on the way to a Ph.D. at Baylor University Political Science (fully funded & stipended.)
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: IUPUI, currently working on a degree in Energy Engineering with a master’s in Mechanical Engineering. He is doing this on scholarship. He has one of the top academic scholarships offered to Honor’s College students. Living in downtown Indy, attending IUPUI, and working.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Child: Indiana University Southeast – BS Major: Accounting / Minor: Plant Science. Full-ride scholarship. Assistant Manager at a hotel.
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Child: Ball State University BS in Physics, BS in Computer Science, Master’s in Computer Science currently Applications Development Administrator at a seminary in St. Louis, MO.
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Child: Friend’s child I schooled grades 7-12. Working at a superstore attended Harrison College, currently enrolled in cosmetology school.
Parent education level: Doctorate Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: He has held several jobs dealing with computer science. He attended ITT Tech but had now transferred to the Indiana University School of Informatics.
He currently works for an American corporation that provides residential and small business electronic security, fire protection and other related alarm-monitoring services and security systems while attending school at night working toward his degree.
Parent education level: High School Diploma
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Currently employed full-time, college full-time and in the National Guard.
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Child: Attending Ivy Tech — plans to go to Nursing School, hopefully in the Fall.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Child: 3rd year Nursing Student (BSN May 2017) – Full-ride scholarship.
2-year RN/CPR.
Completing college and working in college ministry. PICU apprenticeship at a hospital.
Parent education level: Doctorate Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: National Merit finalist.
BS in math from Taylor University (spent a semester studying math in Budapest and another at Penn State).
Currently receiving a fellowship (full ride + stipend) at Ohio State for Ph.D. in math.
Parent educational level: Master’s Degree
Parent educational level: Master’s Degree
Child: Cedarville University
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Registered Nurse
Right now she is a full time mom to two sweet little girls. Her husband is an army captain (ROTC, Cedarville) and they have lived in S. Korea, Virginia, and now Kentucky.
Parent educational level: Doctorate Degree
Parent educational level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Homeschooled K-12 with supplemental co-ops and JEL career center for senior year. Graduated from homeschool.
Attending Ivy Tech as a sophomore in her first year of the ASN Associate’s of Nursing program. Giving full time to pursuing this degree currently. Does a lot of informal ministry to/for classmates and people she rubs shoulders with in the community.
Is licensed as an EMT in the state of Indiana.

Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Manatee Community College, AA in Business
University of Florida, BA in Anthropology
Pilot certification (CFI/IR)
Served for 10 years as an officer and pilot for the USCG. She is now a full-time wife and mother.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Graduated from Empire Beauty School
Cosmetology license
Part time hair stylist/ stay at home mom
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Campbellsville University
Bachelor’s degree Business Management
Manager of rental car agency at a major airport.
Husband and father of three.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Child: Taylor University (1 yr), Indiana Police Academy Police officer
Parent educational level: Master’s Degree
Parent educational level: Master’s Degree
Child: Cedarville University
Crossroads Bible College
Purdue University
Bachelors of Science in Selling and Sales Mgmt. (May, 2017)
In sales for a health and fitness club.
Parent education level: Doctorate Degree
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Child: Butler University with a BA in sociology
Veterinary technician certification
Runs shipping company specializing in pet products.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Graduated from Ball State University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice. He is a police officer with a western Indiana city Police Department. He did a one deployment to Afghanistan with the Indiana Army National Guard.
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Concordia University – Wisconsin, Bachelor’s degree. Double Major in Secondary Education and History with a minor in English. Teaching certification for secondary education. She is in her 4th year of teaching junior high grades at a Lutheran school.
Parent education level: High School Dropout
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Indiana University East- Bachelor’s Degree in Business. CDL certified. Ran his own landscaping business for 8-10 years. He drives for a national soda company. He and his wife have one child.
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Attended Christian Leaders Institute and received two ministry certificates.
Currently, he is a manager in a landscape company.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Traditionally homeschooled K-8, enrolled in an accredited, Christian online program (Alpha Omega Academy) 9-12
Presently attending Indiana Wesleyan University, majoring in linguistics and French, minor in fine arts.
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Parent education level: High School Diploma
Child: No post-secondary education. In workforce for 12 years and was a certified trainer in two departments – the Coil Shop and Commutator Department. As a Coil Insulator (or Commutator Technician) in the Commutator Department, she proofread and wrote up data sheets. Now stay-at-home mom currently homeschooling one.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Child: Hillsdale College, BS
Eastern Mich State U., MS
Ivy Tech, RN
Former kindergarten teacher, currently on permanent disability leave due to Multiple Sclerosis.
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Parent education level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Child: St. Cloud State University, BA in theater. Missionary with a student mission and discipleship organization that disciples and trains youth to minister in their local church and abroad.
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Parent education level: High School Diploma
Child: He attended one year at Evangel University in Springfield, Missouri and three years at IUPUC in Columbus, IN. He received a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration.
He has currently opened his own independent insurance agency in Batesville, IN.
Parent education level: High School Diploma
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: No college. Head mechanic for Construction company
Parent education level: High School Diploma
Parent education level: High School Diploma
Child: Currently, at Indiana Wesleyan University. Double majoring in Marketing and Entrepreneurship. Qualified for the university’s scholarship based on SAT score.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Ivy Tech – currently attending on Dean’s List
Works full time as a welder.
Parent educational level: Master’s Degree
Parent educational level: Master’s Degree
Child: Indiana University School of Nursing
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Registered Nurse
Working as an ER nurse at a hospital.
Preparing for graduate school entry next fall.
Parent education level: Doctorate Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: A.A. from Bethel College.
Has been employed by a bank; currently a wife and stay-at-home mother.
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Parent education level: High School Diploma
Child: One semester of post-secondary schooling (during employment), went straight into the workforce. Learned much while on the job and was advanced in the company. Currently, works for another company in a different state but in the same field.
Certified radiation worker for nuclear power plants, A class motor/generator winder/mechanic, does electrical maintenance, is a certified asbestos worker and a step-up supervisor for major investor-owned electric utility company.
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Working for a candy company to save money for college. Planning to study cosmetology.
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: He is an accountant part-time. He also does costuming and special effects computer work for Christian films.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Doctorate Degree
Child: Junior at Asbury University, major Social Studies Education, minor Music
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Child: (Audited some classes at Wabash College during Jr. & Sr. years.)
Hillsdale College, BA
Notre Dame Law School, J.D.
Lt. Colonel U.S. Air Force (JAG)
(Homeschools their 4 children.)
Parent education level: High School Diploma
Parent education level: High School Diploma
Child: Graduating 2017 and in the process of finishing up senior year. Accepted at Grace College to earn a degree in Business Management. Utilized local college earning high school and college credits. He will transfer 18 college credits when he attends in August.
Parent education level: Doctorate Degree
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Child: University of Evansville graduate, B.S.; University of Kentucky Ph.D. candidate.
Graduate student.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Indiana Wesleyan University – B.S. degree in Pre-Medicine
Indiana University – Medical degree
Marshfield Clinic, Marshfield, Wisconsin dual residency (4 years) internal medicine and pediatrics
(2015 – present) Hospitalist in Hematology-Oncology at a children’s hospital that is an international leader in pediatric medicine, research, and education. Internal Medicine Hospitalist “free lance.”
Parent education level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Hillsdale College of Michigan. Communications Director (oversees press secretary, and all communication [facebook, twitter, press releases …etc.] staff for US Senator.
Parent Level of education: High School Diploma
Parent Level of education: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Child: He received a Bachelor’s degree from Ball State University in finance.
He was hired by an American brokerage and banking company right out of college. He has earned his Series 7 certification.
He is a stock broker and is working on getting his CFP certification to be a certified financial planner.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Child: Ivy Tech, LPN
Homeschooling mother of four.
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Parent education level: High School Diploma
Child: He attended North Central University in Minneapolis, MN and received a Bachelor’s degree in Business with a minor in Cross Cultural Ministries. He is currently a Bank Manager in Minneapolis.
Parent educational level: Master’s Degree
Parent educational level: Master’s Degree
Child: Purdue University
Currently a sophomore studying Agribusiness with an eye on graduate school.
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Parent education level: High School Diploma
Child: No post-secondary schooling, entered the workforce following graduation.
Parent education level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Ivy Tech Bloomington & Johnson University Florida (Formerly Florida Christian College) BA in counseling
Lifeguard Certification. Married & Employed by a non-profit for youth.
Parent education level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Hillsdale College in Michigan
Children’s book illustrator and publisher
Also serves on the Board of an Indiana state-wide non-profit organization.
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: He works in production (cinematography, production assistant, assistant producer, etc.) as well as post-production (editing and special effects) for Christian films, TV, and corporate videography.
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Parent education level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Child: Works at for company that installs and services refrigeration, heating, air conditioning, and ventilation as an HVAC Tech. He had the job lined up two months before homeschool graduation as an apprentice. He was promoted to fully certified tech within the year.
Parent education level: Doctorate Degree
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Child: Purdue University, B.S.; Working in Tennessee.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Child: Indiana Wesleyan (1 yr)
Homeschooling mother of six.
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Parent education level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Child: Senior at Indiana University NW, majoring in Spanish.
Parent education level: Doctorate Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Currently, a sophomore at Taylor University with a psych major.
Parent education level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Hillsdale College of Michigan
Reporter and blogger for American political journalism website and weekly magazine based in Washington, D.C. that covers politics and policy.
Published in The New Yorker
Parent education level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Married & Full-time retail associate
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Attended college two quarters and began work full-time in a hospital lab. Now married and a stay at home mother of six.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Sullivan University, Bachelor’s Degree in Office Administration and Computer Science. Was office manager at a Bible Camp in Kentucky and for an enterprise in southeastern Indiana. Wife and mother of four.
Parent education level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Ivy Tech
Full-time employee in retail sales
Considering entering the military.
Parent educational level: Master’s Degree
Parent educational level: Master’s Degree
Child: Will graduate high school in May
Planning to study multidisciplinary engineering at Purdue.
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Graduated from the University of Cincinnati with a Bachelor’s degree in paralegal studies. Employed full-time for a divorce attorney.
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Parent education level: High School Diploma
Child: Certified in Solid Works and has been awarded Third Place Drafting & Design/CAD, Career and Technical Education Certificate of Excellence, and the Eagle Scout Award. He is currently attending his second year of studies a local University pursuing a career in Product Design and Production Processes.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Child: (Audited some classes at Wabash College during Jr. & Sr. years.)
Anderson University, BA
Financial accounts/auditor/programmer for U.S. Government.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Attended Asbury College for five semesters.
Truck driving school: drove for major trucking companies.
Is attending Indiana University Southeast and continuing to work towards a degree.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Attending the University of Kentucky (received a full-ride scholarship based on National Merit Finalist status); currently a Senior; will graduate in May 2017 with a degree Computer Engineering and a degree in Computer Science — has already accepted a permanent position with a national defense company for after graduation.
Parent education level: Doctorate Degree
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Child: Adoption from southeast Asia at 8 years old. She is finishing up a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration through the military online university Trident because her husband is in the Navy. She recently received certification as a dog groomer and has dreams of owning her own major pet chain store someday.
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Attended a community college for three semesters. Works full-time for a pharmaceutical company.
Parent education level: Doctorate Degree
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Child: Covenant College, B.A. (Dec. 2016) Applying to graduate schools.
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Parent education level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Child: Currently, attending Indiana University, double majoring in English and Theater.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: University of Kentucky (received a full-ride scholarship based on National Merit Finalist status); currently a Sophomore studying Materials Engineering.
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: He achieved the level of National Merit finalist and was the only student to do so that year in our county. He attended Patrick Henry College in Virginia and graduated with honors in 2015 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Government. He also worked as the supervisor of the IT help desk while at college. (IT is his hobby). He currently works as an IT specialist at the Washington DC office of an American conservative Christian nonprofit organization as the IT support for the NY, Atlanta, DC and European offices.
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Parent education level: High School Diploma
Child: No post-secondary schooling, went into the workforce for two years and is currently a stay-at-home mom.
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Newly graduated and working part-time while also pursuing entrepreneurial interests in photography and cake services.
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Attended a community college for four semesters. Working full-time as a diesel mechanic.
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Waldorf University-Bachelors Degree
Presently at Waldorf University working on Masters Degree.
Certified firefighter, EMT, EMD, & the list goes on.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Graduated from IUPUI–Honors Bachelor of Science degree in Media Arts and Sciences; working full time as a software developer in Indiana; married for 5 1/2 months.
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Currently, a junior at Patrick Henry College in Purcellville, VA. She is majoring in American Policy and Politics. She is an RA, involved in Mock Trial, costume designer and seamstress for Eden Troupe drama club, leader for Generation Joshua Student Action Teams (sub-group of HSLDA), pianist for Chapel Guild and the list goes on.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Graduated from both a private liberal arts college in Michigan with Bachelor’s degree in history and a Virginia university with a JD.
Currently serving in the public defender’s office in a highly populated city in Virginia.
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Attended IUPUC, then transferred to IUPUI. He received his Bachelor’s Degree of Science in Mechanical Engineering with Honors, from Purdue University in 2013. He is currently employed as a senior design engineer at an Indiana Fortune 500 corporation that designs, manufactures, and distributes engines, filtration, and power generation products. He is still single, but actively looking for a spouse!
Parent education level: High School Diploma
Parent education level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Child: Is a Junior at Indiana State University. Will graduate in May 2018 with a speech pathology degree. Will be applying to Indiana University School of Medicine this next spring. Carried a 4.0 her first 3 semesters of college. Currently, has a 3.90 GPA. Dean’s List, Honors program. Works in the university admissions office, President of the Honor Society, RA for her sorority & involved in numerous campus programs. Works an off-campus job 15 hours/week. Plans to become an orthopedic trauma surgeon.
Parent education level: Doctorate Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Homeschooled Kindergarten, fourth grade, fifth grade, part of sixth grade and all of high school. She graduated in 2015, attended Evansville her freshman year, and is now attending Georgetown College as a sophomore. She has been praised for her writing skills and is very successful in her studies. She is currently studying business and politics.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Graduated from Grace College with a Bachelor’s Degree (Youth Ministry).
Working at gymnastics facility in office and with children in camps.
Parent education level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Associates degree in welding from Ivy Tech Community College, Bachelor’s degree in Theatre Performance from Indiana Wesleyan University. Has welding certifications. He is married and working. They bought their first house this summer and are busy remodeling it.
He had learning disabilities (undiagnosed) in the early years. We used a neurodevelopmental program when he was in 4th-6th grade and I am confident the success we experienced with that program allowed him to succeed in college. The struggling learner I worked with in the early elementary years did not seem headed toward the academic success he had in college. Thank you, Lord!
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Currently, a senior at IUPUI–will get an Honors Bachelor of Science degree in Media Arts and Sciences in May 2017; also working full time as Web Developer at a company in Indianapolis; married a little over 1 year; has a 2-month-old daughter that they will homeschool when she is older.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Graduated Taylor University Fort Wayne with bachelor’s degree in English with a journalism emphasis. Currently, at a public library genealogy department and works as a freelance writer/blogger.
Parent education level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: BS and MS in Mechanical Engineering from Purdue. When he finished his MS while he was still 22, I reluctantly admitted that letting him graduate early had been the right decision – although I still regret ‘losing’ that last year with him.
He is married and lives out of state. He works for an American aircraft manufacturer in their research center. They also do projects for other aerospace companies and anyone else who wants to hire them. Getting to do projects for all those different companies is a great fit for my ADD (again, undiagnosed) kid!
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Schooled at home until his high school graduation in 2004. He graduated from Indiana Wesleyan University with a Bachelor’s in Organic Chemistry. He went to Indiana University where he received his Doctorate in Organic Chemistry. He just moved to Boston/ Cambridge, MA. He was chosen and hired as the only organic chemist by Dr. George Church (Harvard Medical /MIT CRISPR) for a postdoctoral research team. Married with one child.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne, bachelor’s degree in computer engineering. Certification in LabView, a certain kind of programming
Working in his field at a local company.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Ivy Tech Community College – Associate’s Degree – Culinary Arts/Pastry & Baking.
Working at a wholesale bakery.
Parent education level: High School Diploma
Parent education level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Child: Graduated from Moody Bible Institute with a Bachelor’s Degree in Theology, Received a Biblical counseling certification. Currently, counseling, working as a florist, and with a Christian ministry to high schoolers.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Ball State University, Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science.
Married, one child, stays home and also works part-time for a Pool and Spa company.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Graduated Regent University bachelor’s degree in computer animation.
Currently, working before and after school care at private school and establishing freelance animation business.
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: I went to my first homeschooling conference in 1982, led by Dr. Raymond and Dorothy Moore, in preparation for teaching my then infant son. I did not use specific grades, but graduated him from homeschool in 2000. He has a Bachelor’s Degree from Ball State University in Telecommunications and General Studies. He has his own media company and works from home. His wife works as a paralegal while he serves as “house husband” with two preschoolers.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Graduated from Indiana University Purdue University Fort Wayne with a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Design. Happily married working as a computer designer.
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Began homeschooling young by “listening in” on her older brother’s schooling. She graduated from homeschooling 2001.
She attended Ivy Tech and worked in business until she earned a Bachelor’s degree in business from Western Governors College.
Works at a bank in Albany, Indiana. She is married, and they have one child.
Parent education level: High School Diploma
Parent education level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Child: Indiana Wesleyan University, Associates Degree in Art. Married, mother of four, keeper of her home.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Indiana Tech – currently working on a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science.
Working to pay his way through school at a fast food restaurant.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: An apprenticeship program and some community college, but no degreeSelf-employed as a videographer and successful YouTuber (over 100,000 subscribers!)
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Just graduated from our homeschool this past May; working full time as a night shift stocker at Walmart; saving money in order to pursue career in woodworking.
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Graduated in 2005 after being schooled through the home. Part of his training was being apprenticed by a few carpenters 2001-2005. He passed the entrance exam for the Carpenter’s Union in 2001. He graduated at 18 and was married a month later. He bought and renovated a farm house. After selling at a profit, he bought land and built his own home debt-free. Although he passed the Carpenter’s Union entrance exam at 18, he chose to work as self-employed. He has many “How-to” training videos online that his brother filmed and directed. He works mornings as an apartment complex maintenance supervisor while also working his own carpentry business. He has continued to add many acres of farm and woodlands practically debt-free. He and his wife of eleven years have four homeschooled children ages 4-9.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Taking this year off from school to work full time, plans to attend college (probably Ivy Tech) for IT next year.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Attended University of Southern Indiana for 1 1/2 years – presently works for a southern Indiana bank as an office manager and loan department manager.
Parent education level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Parent education level: High School Diploma
Child: Attended Jackson Hole Bible College, Certificate of Biblical studies,
Certified Apple Technician, Was an associate pastor for two years, worked with JHBC for 4 years. Works for large phon company and is working on finishing his degree at through Grace College. Married and has 3 children. They will be home schooling their children.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Pursuing culinary arts through nontraditional means.
Parent education level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Freshman at Campbellsville University pursuing nursing and swimming collegiately. She received almost the max for educational money, performance grant money, and other money. She is an almost full ride. She currently has all A’s for her fall semester. She will graduate with a BSN in nursing with plans to work at a children’s hospital. She also plans to do mission trips as a nurse to other countries.
Parent educational level: High School Diploma
Parent educational level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Bachelors of Science from Indiana University and an RN from Indiana Wesleyan University. Business owner in Florida and also active reservist in Air Force.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Serving as a companion to her elderly grandfather.
Parent education level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Parent education level: High School Diploma
Child: Sophomore in college through College Plus. Graduate of Leadership Institute Youth Leadership school and field representative training. Three tier certification from Dr. Jeff Myers Leadership training. Worked on several campaigns. Currently looking for a post-election job.
Parent education level: Doctorate Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: National merit honorable mention. BS from Wheaton College in Archaeology and Ancient Languages. Currently, working full time while taking a gap year before grad school in speech therapy. She also spends her summers on archaeological digs in Israel.
Parent education level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: RN Associates Degree from Christ College of Nursing. Recently had an organ transplant, on disability.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Attending Oakland City University, scheduled to graduate in Spring of 2018 with a degree in psychology and early childhood development.
Parent education level: High School Diploma
Parent education level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Child: Bradley tank mechanic in US Army.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Graduated from Liberty University Online with a Bachelor’s degree in Christian Leadership and Management.
Plans to intern with a catering business run with a ministry mindset for helping those in need.
Parent education level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Attending Indiana Wesleyan University studying Worship/Music. College student/piano accompanist for IWU Chorale, One Voice, and Master’s Praise.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Graduated from Bryan College – Elementary education – working as an administrator for a fellowship of Christian athletes.
Parent education level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Parent education level: High School Diploma
Child: Attended Jackson Hole Bible College, certificate in Biblical studies. Worked with JHBC for four years. Continued college ministry at Purdue managing Cross walk Commons, student resident hall (ministry of Kossuth Baptist Church.) Also certified life/health insurance sales. Married and expecting her first baby in March. Will be a stay at home mom and plans on homeschooling.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Cosmetology school (completed doing high school.) Licensed cosmetologist.
Serving another homeschool family as a nanny/tutor, working as a consultant for an American manufacturer and direct selling company specializing in skincare products and a cosmetologist.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Graduated from Bryan College – Business Communications – presently seeking Masters in Communications from the University of Southern Indiana. Employed in a Financial Aid office.
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Graduated from our homeschool in 2013. She will graduate in the spring from Ball State University with her Bachelor’s in philosophy and computer science. She loves to use both fields to help children learn virtues. She has received recognition in helping create a computer game to promote diversity. She has taken her GRE and is looking at graduate schools.
Parent education level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Graduate of The Master’s Mission (1-year remote missions training program.) 3.Technical school- welder certified. Welder at a service station equipment servicing corporation.
Parent education level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Parent education level: High School Diploma
Child: Worked in the natural health field. Married and has a 4 children and happily staying home with them. Started home educating her oldest this year.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Current Sophomore at Taylor University studying Computer Science.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Child: He attended Ivy Tech for one year then transferred to Pensacola Christian College where he is currently pursuing a graphic design degree.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Graduated from Bryan College – English with emphasis in writing – presently a missionary in southern Africa (in Ghana as I type this) as a chronicler for blogs and the mission organization’s website and also working with organization’s missionary projects in various countries in southern Africa.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: BA Airforce Officer
Parent educational level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Parent educational level: Master’s Degree
Child: ITT Tech, Robotics Engineer, Mechanical Engineer BS Federal Inspector, Rental Housing and Self Employed
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Completed full program of ALERT Academy, including 18 months internship as municipal Water Treatment Specialist. Achieved the highest level of certification in that field within 3 yrs, and currently, works in Kansas. Married a Kansas homeschool graduate.
Parent education level: High School Diploma
Parent education level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Child: Ballet training. Working part-time as a nanny, ballet training 4 days/week.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Ball State University, Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science.
Married, one child, stays home and also works part-time for a Pool and Spa company.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: Attending Oakland City University, scheduled to graduate in Spring of 2017 with a degree in elementary education.
Parent education level: High School Diploma
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Child: Homeschooled for 8 years. He attended a Jr. College before entering the military. He is 20 years and has already received two promotions since enlisting is 2 years ago. He is currently in Spain.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: A junior at Purdue University
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: DePauw University – B.A. Political Science + London School of Economics – M.S. Political Theory; Just graduated…looking for a job in London.
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Indiana University Southeast for a Bachelor’s degree in English and Indiana University for her Master’s in Teaching English as a Second Language. She is teaching English to International students at the University of Iowa in Iowa City, IA.
Parent education level: High School Diploma
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Working full-time. Pursuing a career in Real Estate.
Parent education level: Associates Degree or other two-year educational program
Parent education level: High School Diploma
Child: Working part-time.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Child: Indiana University Southeast – BS Major: Accounting/Minor: Music Full-ride scholarship. Certified Public Accountant. Working full-time in a large utility as a CPA; married to a seminary student (she will be a pastor’s wife in a few years;) has her own wedding/family photography business from home.
Parent education level: Doctorate Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: For a number of years he was a landscaper, certified in all required areas including chemical applications that were given at Purdue University. He has decided to change his career to be a special education teacher. He is serving as a teacher’s assistant at an Indianapolis elementary school while attending night classes at IUPUI to obtain his education degree.
Parent education level: High School Diploma
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Scholarship to Hillsdale College. Degree in Christian Studies/Political Science. Started his own political consulting/PR company at age 24. Was named “30 under 30” 2013
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Child: BS in history from Ball State University works at a superstore.
Parent education level: Doctorate Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: She enlisted in the Army at age 17 and served her country as an air traffic controller. While enlisted she earned her BS Degree from Emery Riddle University. She is currently employed at an Indianapolis non-profit, an organization that provides non-contact exercise for those diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease. She is responsible for almost 300 affiliates around the world.
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Child: Associates Degree in Graphic Design from Ivy Tech. One semester at Ball State University. Consistently made Dean’s List. Works in customer service for an American global corporation that sells document solutions and services, and document technology products.
Parent education level: High School Diploma
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Has done some college work. Is currently building his rapidly growing social media business.
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Parent education level: High School Diploma
Child: Ivy Tech Community College, Associate’s Degree in Industrial Technology. Northern Kentucky University, Bachelor’s Degree Engineering Technology (2017) Full-time student works part-time for his dad’s business as a Labview programmer.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Took one semester of post-secondary classes while still a homeschool student. Currently, working as an independent contractor delivering custom-built sheds and gazebos for Built Rite, Inc.
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Parent education level: Some College or Technical Education
Child: One year at The Master’s Mission, a remote-area missions training program in North Carolina. Completion of one-year Bible program at TMM. Completed a Permaculture Design Course in both Costa Rica, and Nicaragua. Completed an Advanced Level Permaculture Certification Course in Wisconsin. Preparing and studying now to enter a college environmental engineering program next fall.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Child: Currently attending Ivy Tech working on an Associates Degree in Agriculture.
Parent education level: Bachelor’s Degree
Parent education level: Master’s Degree
Child: Homeschooled K-10, grade 11 in public school, grade 12
Sophomore at University of Louisville, Physics/Math double-major
College student, works in Physics research lab; math tutor for HS/college students; drives forklift for shipping company freight department.