
What’s Your Next Chapter?


As caps and gowns have filled my social media feeds this month I am taken back to my own memories of graduating our two daughters.

The feeling of pride and accomplishment in all that they had achieved. The joy in the celebrations with friends and family. And the many questions about where the next phase of life would take them.

But there was something very different in the mix when we graduated our youngest daughter. The questions about the next chapter of life were also about MY next chapter of life.

Our girls are seven years apart in age, so when the oldest graduated high school life soon returned to normal in our household. But, as a homeschool mom, when you’ve graduated your youngest student… what is your new normal?

What's your next chapter- (1)Your student isn’t the only one setting off into new territory and saying goodbye to old friends.

For some moms the next chapter is already decided. Maybe you’re set to “retire”. Maybe you’re headed back into the workforce.

But maybe you aren’t sure.

I know that when our youngest daughter graduated I had a lot of questions about my own journey. Homeschooling was more than an educational choice for us. It was a lifestyle. It was our community. I was grateful for the opportunities that it had afforded our family and I wasn’t ready to walk away.

So, I stayed.

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