
The IAHE Blog

Talk About the Hard Things

Talk About the Hard Things

How many of us really enjoy having hard conversations with our kids? The conversations about peer pressure, pornography, relationships, abortion, eternity, and more? I’m guessing not many of us.  So why bother? Isn’t it enough that we homeschool and protect our...

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Middle School Science

Middle School Science

What science should I choose for my middle schooler? Choosing specific courses, especially as your children get older, can be downright frightening. With so many programs on the market, how do you know which is the best one for your child? Sketching out a plan in the...

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Writing for Publication: Misplaced Modifiers

Writing for Publication: Misplaced Modifiers

Whether you’re a homeschool parent or a homeschool student, if you’re interested in writing for publication, you must realize sentences demand variety to maintain reader interest. Constantly repeating the pattern of Subject + Verb + Direct Object will quickly become...

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Choice and Consequences

Choice and Consequences

Life is full of choices we must make, each and every day. And, every choice comes with consequences. Some are minimal, but some have a lasting impact.  Parents have many choices when deciding how to educate their children. Public school, private school, and homeschool...

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Single-Parent Homeschooling

Single-Parent Homeschooling

Parenting is all the “things”—hard, wonderful, hilarious, scary, challenging and rewarding. That’s when you have help! When you are a single parent, the workload doesn’t seem to double, it seems to magnify times ten! Even with that seemingly impossible mathematical...

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A Week of Christmas Activities

A Week of Christmas Activities

There are only a few days left before Christmas. This is the time when my family loves to hunker down at home, bake tasty treats, make homemade ornaments, and read Christmas stories. Not only does it protect us from germs right before we travel (Let me tell you, sick...

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Do You Have a Happy Homeschool? Part 2

Do You Have a Happy Homeschool? Part 2

Part 1 looked at how to create an environment, habits, and expectations that lead to a happy homeschool. Part 2 will look at how to engage and turn the heart of your child toward homeschooling.   If you asked your children why they are being homeschooled, what...

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Do You Have a Happy Homeschool?

Do You Have a Happy Homeschool?

Do your children like being at home? Do they look forward to learning new things?  Or do they grumble and whine? Do they wait for you to force them to do their schoolwork? Think back to when your children were toddlers—gaping at something shiny making a rainbow on the...

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