
The IAHE Blog

"A kindhearted woman gains respect." Prov.11:16a How many moms long for their children to respect them? I know I do.  Respect conveys a starting assumption that the other person is valued--worthy of listening to and regarding well. I've seen other moms strive for...

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Classroom Management–Home School Style

Touring a bookstore last week, I spied a book no teacher can resist: Basics of Classroom Management. While I didn’t find many tips in a book that focused on strategies for managing large groups of children in an institutional setting, I began thinking, “Are there...

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By The Will Of God

Ever had one of those days when you wonder if you're really up to the job of parenting?  I have. Some days I think of other mothers I know, and I'm quite sure they're probably doing a much better job of it than I.  Lord, how could you have entrusted me with these...

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Addressing Attitude with Grace

Which would you rather face—the child who openly defies or the child who behaves compliantly but the attitude just isn’t right? I have to admit--there are times I prefer the compliant child. I get the behavior I expect, and I can so easily overlook the underlying...

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A Disturbing Trend

"I just wanted to say good-bye," said a mom standing on our front porch with her daughter--a young lady I had watched in our co-op since she was a little girl. "We won't be home schooling next year. I wanted to see you in case we don't run into each other."Her face...

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Bird Mother Philosophy: Part III

Bird Mother Philosophy: Part III

Strangely, this is one of the hardest posts I've ever tried to write; it seems everything got in the way of writing it.  I am now wondering if there is some spiritual warfare going on over it, as the stakes in this endeavor of home education are incredibly high.  For...

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Become a Dream Builder

Are you a dream killer or a dream builder?Parents tend to fall into one of the two categories. Dream killers listen to their child's dream, then point out every obstacle, every reason the dream will fail. Dream builders listen to their child's dream, then find ways to...

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When Stepping Out in Faith Doesn’t "Work"

"I thought if I was doing God's will, everything would work out," a young woman said as she related a health crisis her family faced. Though she had done everything "right," the prospects looked grim. More than the fear of what might happen physically, she struggled...

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Bird Mother Philosophy: Part II

Bird Mother Philosophy: Part II

My family and I recently had the opportunity to view the film IndoctriNation.  Wow!  I highly recommend it. What a compelling telling of where a system of education ends up when it’s filled with unbiblical influences. IndoctriNation issues a clear call to flee a...

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