
The IAHE Blog

Celebrating Presidents’ Day at Home

Celebrating Presidents’ Day at Home

On February 22, 1778, a group of men stood outside General George Washington’s quarters at Valley Forge, playing a lively tune with drums and fifes. They were celebrating his birthday. Today, we honor him and other past presidents by celebrating Presidents’ Day.  The...

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How to Start Homeschool Mid-Year in Indiana

How to Start Homeschool Mid-Year in Indiana

Are you ready to pull your child(ren) out of public school? Congratulations on embarking on this new adventure! You won't regret it! Starting your homeschool journey mid-year can seem overwhelming, but it does not have to be! The best time to start homeschooling is...

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Exploring Career Options: Engineer

Exploring Career Options: Engineer

Homeschooling provides some amazing opportunities to provide our children with knowledge and opportunities to learn about and experience job opportunities as we prepare them to be self-sufficient adults. We have the freedom to tailor our children’s education with...

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