As we wrap up the Volunteer Spotlight blog series for 2013, today we acknowledge and say Thank You to the three couples that serve as the heart of the IAHE. Without their willingness to dedicate long hours, the IAHE wouldn’t exist today.
Their tireless dedication to our organization and to home educators across the state of Indiana is a fine example of servant-hearted leadership.
“I thank my God through Jesus Christ for you…”
Romans 1:8
Steve & Penny Taylor reside near Stilesville, Indiana (Putnam County).  Steve serves as President of the IAHE.  Steve and Penny are the parents of nine children, ranging in age from 14 to 31 years of age, and have homeschooled for almost 27 years.  They served as Regional Reps for ten years prior to joining the Board.  Their family is active in 4-H with archery, shooting sports, and livestock projects.  With some children now married, they have begun a new season of life – that of being grandparents – and passing the baton to the next generation of home educators. Â
Phil & Debi Ketron reside in Guilford, Indiana (Dearborn County).  Phil serves as Vice President and Secretary of the IAHE. They served as IAHE Region 8 Representatives for four years before joining the Board of Directors.  They homeschooled for 21 years, and their four children are homeschool graduates.  The three oldest have earned college degrees, one of which is a CPA, and their youngest child is currently in college.  The Ketrons had been involved in homeschool leadership in southeastern Indiana for many years.  They hope to be a blessing to the families of Indiana through their service at the IAHE. Â
Frank & Jackie Franks reside in Pendleton, Indiana (Madison County) on their 80 acre farm. Frank serves as Treasurer of the IAHE. They have home educated and graduated their children Caleb, Rebecca, and John-Paul. Another daughter Amy lives in Austin, TX, with her husband and three sons. Seeing the faults of how they lived their early lives, they decided to, with God’s help, raise adults committed to Christ. They felt the best way to do this was to intentionally homeschool and disciple. Without discipleship, they feel that the results of home education will be no better or worse than any other form of education.Â