
Talking Clearly, Reading Well, and How Speech Therapy Works in Indiana


This workshop provides an overview of how to identify if speech sound errors, phonological and phonemic awareness deficits, and language delays, are impacting your homeschool and what you can do about it.

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Does your child struggle to produce clear speech or have difficulty decoding words while reading? This workshop provides an overview of how to identify if speech sound errors, phonological and phonemic awareness deficits, and language delays, are impacting your homeschool and what you can do about it. Discuss favorite books and resources, IEPs vs ISPs, and other “Top Ten” questions about speech therapy and homeschooling with a homeschool graduate, mom of four, and pediatric speech language pathologist. Whether you utilize speech therapy through your public school district, private provider, or clinic, this interactive session will help you gain a better understanding of warning signs, treatment approaches, and resources to support your child at their current level, so they can continue to grow!


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