
A Guide to Effective Lobbying for the Homeschool Family – Audio Download


Drawing on Will’s own experience as a federally registered lobbyist for HSLDA and ParentalRights.org, this workshop will offer informative, practical advice for effective lobbying and will answer every homeschooler’s specific questions.

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You may live 3,000 miles from Washington, D.C., but you can still make a difference. Find out how as Will presents a compelling case for why and how every single homeschool family can be an effective lobbyist on the issues that are important to homeschooling families. Drawing on Will’s own experience as a federally registered lobbyist for HSLDA and ParentalRights.org, this workshop will offer informative, practical advice for effective lobbying and will answer every homeschooler’s specific questions. Whether you are an experienced political junkie or a busy homeschool mom who’s never tackled politics before, discover how to make a difference in the political world.

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Will Estrada


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