IAHE was pleased to be present at the SEA 101 RFRA bill signing ceremony last Thursday.
Indiana home educators should thank our Governor and the Indiana General Assembly for RFRA.  It strengthens Indiana homeschoolers’ standing before the courts in matters relating to religious freedom/freedom of conscience and our First Amendment rights. Here’s how to contact them:  Governor  Indiana General Assembly If you do not know your legislator, click here.
Contact President of the Senate David Long 317-232-9416 and Speaker of the House Brian Bosma 317-232-9677 as well.
Also THANK Governor Pence for speaking at the IAHE Convention on Saturday.
If you do not understand why RFRA is important to homeschoolers, learn why here and here.
RFRA was celebrated in 1993 when President Clinton signed it; it is good law in 2015. Â The attacks against religious liberty demonstrate the importance that it is a much needed law for our added protection.