You’ve settled into a good routine for the year; the schedule has been tweaked and really works. Then, late November happens and the fun, chaos and busyness begins. You are not alone if you wonder how to homeschool during the holidays. There are many possibilities and no right answer — except don’t stress.
Take a Break
You can take a total break from school, focus on family and friends. Â Are you one of the many families that travel during this time? Â No guilt in not continuing school work! Â If you are staying home, why not plan a field trip. Â The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis is always busy when public schools are on break – go now. Â Visit a nursing home – bring cookies, sing carols, spread joy. Â Volunteer, the possibilities are endless. Â Take a break from the books and get involved in all this season has to offer.
Try Out a Different Way to Study
Have you been interested in unit studies or lapbooks?  You can pull together your own studies with all of the seasonal themed printables you’ve seen on Pinterest.  This time of year is a great time for nature walks and hymn studies.  Let your children call the shots and check into delight-directed studies or unschooling.  This is the perfect time to try out a different way to study.  You may find just what your learner has been needing.  If  this isn’t a good fit for your family, you aren’t committed to a whole semester or year, go back to what works after the holidays.
Adjust the Schedule (and Expectations)
You may need to keep that momentum going and not switch gears drastically. Â An abbreviated school day may be just what your family needs. Â Stick to the basics then leave the afternoon free for all the tempting fun projects. Â The three R’s are great subjects to keep up – Reading, wRiting and aRithmetic. Â Even these basics can be made more fun and appealing with themed books from the library, seasonal writing prompts and candy doubling as math manipulatives.
Keep Traditions, Make Memories and Keep Your Sanity!
The Bloggers of IAHE have shared their top tips for how to homeschool during the holidays.
Shalynne of Wonderfully Chaotic
Tawnee of Adventures in Homeschooling
Jeniffer of Thou Shall Not Whine