Rex Smith
2025 IAHE Parenting and Homeschool Conference Speaker

Rex Smith
Eternity at Stake
Purdue engineering undergrad graduate. Master’s Degree: Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Currently: working on the GC side of construction and teaches as a youth pastor. He has taught in the areas of Counter Cults, Worldviews, and Biblical Apologetics since 2003 to all ages. He and his wife homeschool 4 amazing kids.
Raising a Mission Minded Family
God lays out multiple ways to build a mission minded family. We will use Psalm 127 as the backdrop of our study to better understand how it begins with mom and dad and continues with the call to disciple and arm our children, teaching them to fight the spiritual battle alongside the family against “…every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God” (II Corinthians 10:3-5).
Teen Track: The Influence of Friends
We will look at the story of Amnon, David’s son, and his wicked friend named Jonadab (II Samuel 12) as an example of the wrong kind of friend. We will compare this with David and Jonathan’s friendship, Ruth and Naomi’s friendship, and the wise son in Proverbs.
Teen Track: The Strength of the Christian Worldview in a World Gone Mad
The Christian WV provides answers to how we got here and the complexity of the universe. It provides answers as to why bad things happen to good people. It gives us a basis for right and wrong. It provides answers to what happens when we die. We will examine current events and trends in the world in light of the Christian worldview. Examples of current events would include gender confusion, sexual agenda, (obviously everything will be appropriate for a mixed teen audience) abortion, destruction of the family, worship of nature, attempting to force everyone to eat bugs rather than meat, etc. The goal is to disciple our families through all of the crazy ideas whirling around us.