Linda Lacour Hobar
2025 IAHE Parenting and Homeschool Conference Speaker

Linda Lacour Hobar
The Mystery of History
Linda Lacour Hobar, author of The Mystery of History, is a follower of Christ, a genuine people-person, and a fan of comfortable high-heels. Formerly a missionary, she graduated from Baylor University, where she first fell in love with world history.
When Bible History and World History Meet Face to Face
Looking for inspiration in your study of ancient times? Join Linda Lacour Hobar (author of The Mystery of History) to discover what happens when Bible history and world history meet face to face – literally! With a look at Daniel and Belshazzar, Esther and Xerxes, Jesus and Pilate, and more, you will see bible characters and world history figures “meet” on one seamless, thought-provoking timeline. Through stories and activities for all ages, let His-story be revealed.
Bad Boys of the 20th Century!
Who are the worst of the worst dictators of the 20th century? Opinions may vary but you can join Linda Lacour Hobar, author of the award-winning series, The Mystery of History, to learn about the chilling rise to power of Vladimir Lenin, Benito Mussolini, Joseph Stalin, and Adolf Hitler. No previous knowledge needed to appreciate what “should” be learned from history!
Teen Track: The Threat of Socialism
An alarming number of U.S. millennials favor “socialism” as a means of government. What is socialism? What does history teach us about socialism? What is the threat of socialism to faith, families, and freedom? Join Linda Lacour Hobar, author of The Mystery of History, for a historical overview of socialism and why it matters now! (Teens and ‘tweens—don’t miss this one!)
Teen Track: The Rise and Fall of Rome—and Why it Matters!
Most of us have heard of the rise and fall of Rome. But we’re only vaguely familiar with who, what, when, and how this occurred—as well as why it matters! Join Linda Lacour Hobar, author of the award-winning series The Mystery of History, for insight into the story of the western Roman empire….and how it applies to our world today. As the old aphorism goes, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it!” (Students are encouraged to attend.)
Mary and Martha Decide to Homeschool – A Workshop for Mary’s Only!
Let’s pretend that Mary and Martha decide to homeschool. Following their character, Martha would probably have all her plans in place—and be frustrated; and Mary would probably be at the feet of Jesus—and way behind schedule. Can you relate to one or both characters? We all have a little of Mary and Martha is us, but this workshop is designed to encourage Martha’s (who need to breathe) and inspire Mary’s (who need structure). The presenter of this workshop is a self-proclaimed Mary (Linda Lacour Hobar, author of The Mystery of History) who managed to homeschool for 17 years, by God’s grace, and still likes to talk about it. All Mary’s, Martha’s, and Lazarus’ are welcome! Quiz included.