
Kristen Bissontz

2025 IAHE Parenting and Homeschool Conference Speaker

Kristen Bissontz

Kristen Bissontz

Kristen Bissontz volunteers as IAHE Region 3 Rep. She and Jay raise their 4 children on their hobby farm in Spencerville. A life-long learner, Kristen recently graduated with her Masters in Classical Pedagogy. She serves her Classical Conversations community in several roles. Kristen is a public policy junkie, world traveler, and lover of Jesus.



AI (Artificial Intelligence): is it smart for your homeschool?

This session will explore the history of AI, the purpose of education, and how the two can co-exists. AI is here: how can it be utilized to enhance our efforts, what are the pitfalls for families to consider, and what can a parent do to ensure the integrity of their child’s education in this new age of information and technology?


Philosophy: Why you Kant forgo teaching the love and pursuit of wisdom.

In this session, we will look at the history of the study of philosophy, how it is integrated in all subject areas, dive into some of the philosophies common in society, and discuss the moral implications of abstaining from this vital area of study.


The trouble with textbooks: one educator’s struggle with the modern offerings in education.

In this session, we will look at the beauty and the beast that are textbooks. While textbooks can be great resources, they have their limitations and shortcomings. How can homeschool families discern between the plethora of options before them?