
Kathy Balke

2025 IAHE Parenting and Homeschool Conference Speaker

Kathy Balke

Kathy Balke

Kathy Balke began the homeschool journey in 1986. A little nervous at first, she just committed to one year at a time but loved it so much she never wanted to do anything else. In the end she homeschooled for 29 years, graduating all six of her children. Kathy loves helping homeschoolers and has been volunteering with the IAHE since 2004.



Choosing a Curriculum

Are you feeling overwhelmed at all the curriculum choices out there? Feel you need to find the perfect one and wondering where to start? Kathy Balke would love to help you look at the different options and think about what would work best with your family and your goals. In this workshop she will tell her homeschool story (which began in 1986), look at different curriculum styles, and share the things that helped her most in 29 years of homeschooling.


History Comes Alive with Original Source Documents

Did you know that history began being rewritten in the 1930’s? If we have been taught the wrong narrative, how do we find material that tells the truth? Kathy Balke wanted her children to know the true story of our nation’s history, as well as history that precedes our own. She went on a quest to find original source documents and autobiographies, as well as trustworthy biographies, and found that history becomes alive when you are reading the true story from the people who lived it, and your children won’t forget it! Join her as she shares these treasures with you.