Israel Wayne
2025 IAHE Parenting and Homeschool Conference Featured Speaker

Israel Wayne
Family Renewal
Israel Wayne is an author, conference speaker and Director of Family Renewal who has traveled the nation speaking on family, homeschooling, apologetics, spiritual awakening, discipleship, and cultural issues. He and his wife, Brook, live in SW Michigan and are homeschooling parents of 11 children.
KEYNOTE: Education From A Biblical Worldview
Are your children prepared to face the “Real World”? Learn how to equip your children to stand against the flood of secularism that threatens to drown them. What is your worldview? How are you going to transfer it to your children? Will you be more effective than the media and popular culture? Discover how to teach your children to view the core subjects (and all of life) through the lenses of scripture.
Avoiding and Recovering from Homeschool Mistakes
Drawing from over 40 years of experience in the home-education movement, Israel will help you to avoid some of the top errors many parents make in the homeschooling process. The tips offered in this session can save you hundreds of dollars and perhaps years of regret from committing these costly errors.
Whom Should We Trust: Government or Parents?
There has been a fundamental shift in our culture’s view of the role of parents versus government in the past two hundred and fifty years. Contrasting the statements of America’s Founding Fathers with ivy league professors and journalists today, you can better understand the battle over who should control the education and upbringing of children.
School Choice – A Trojan Horse?
Many conservatives support and promote school choice initiatives believing it is a way to offer more options to struggling families and give them a way to use some of their hard-earned tax dollars for private schooling or homeschooling. Israel Wayne gives reasons why true conservatives should sincerely question these initiatives.
Teen Track: Christians and Pop Culture (Evaluating The Arts)
This workshop endeavors to establish a Biblical framework for viewing The Arts and multimedia. How can you tell what is good art, literature or music and what isn’t? What is a Biblical view of entertainment? Are there some forms of art that are more Christian than others? Learn how art reflects culture and culture reflects religious presuppositions. These issues and more will be explored in this engaging workshop.
Teen Track: Navigating Technology, Screens and Media
Teens today struggle with knowing how to balance their use of technology and screen-time. On the one hand, they need to know how to use technology in the ever-changing global economy, but on the other, we all struggle with knowing how much screen-time is harmful and addictive. This session will help give you courage and competency to navigate these difficult issues.