David and Shirley Quine
2025 IAHE Parenting and Homeschool Conference Speaker

David and Shirley Quine
Cornerstone Curriculum
God has been faithful to David and Shirley for 53 years of married life and has given them a shared life, passion, and ministry. Their passion is to equip the next generation to “stand firm” in Christ in the 21st century. Together they created Cornerstone Curriculum, a homeschool curriculum which assists parents in the discipleship of their children. David has his Masters degree in curriculum and instruction design and Shirley is an early childhood education specialist.
Bringing Together Great Masterpieces of Art and Biblical Truth
Great art has endured over time due to the artists placing Biblical truth onto their canvas. Through the study of art, we can see God’s majesty and the beauty of His creation. In a similar way to great literature, art masterworks can take us on a journey to significant historical places and times where they come to life and leave lasting impressions upon our memories. However, the visual nature of art inspires and teaches us in ways that words alone cannot. We pray that studying of artworks and Scripture will draw us closer to God and refresh our souls.
Reading Between the Lines: Understanding the Worldview of Authors
Typically, when we are reading a book of fiction, we focus on the plot, character, and theme of the story. What do you mean by “reading between the lines?” Good question. It is trying to figure out and understand what the author didn’t say by what he did say. It is searching for clues to understand the author’s basic beliefs regarding the most significant questions in life, such as: What is God like? How did the world begin? What is the basic nature of man? Furthermore, what is Truth? This is reading at the highest and most important level. Listen in as David and Shirley explore what it means to be reading between the lines.
Math — According to Abbott and Costello
While practice may make perfect, learn from Abbott and Costello why practice doesn’t make understanding. Although a child may get every problem on a math page correct, that does not insure he or she has any idea of what it means. Learn from David how to instill meaning into each math lesson.
The Nine Reasons
When you are in the trenches of homeschooling your children and feel like giving up, what anchors you to your commitment? David and Shirley would love to share with you the multitude of reasons that homeschooling is the best choice for your family and for your children. They will share from their personal experiences of raising and educating their nine children.