
Amy Sager

2025 IAHE Parenting and Homeschool Conference Speaker

Amy Sager

Amy Sager

Amy Sager is a passionate advocate of Christ-centered home discipleship. She regularly counsels parents on creating transcripts, making dual enrollment a part of student’s high school education, and nurturing God-given strengths and gifts in our students.



Transcript Tips

Are you intimidated by the thought of creating a professional-looking, widely-accepted transcript? In this session, we’ll break the transcript down into manageable sections and help you craft a successful overview of your student’s high school education. This excellent record will serve them well for their future in college, career, military, or entrepreneurship.

Dual Enrollment Do’s and Don’ts

Earning early college credit is a smart strategy for homeschool families. However, it requires thoughtful choices if you want to save time and money while keeping Christ at the center of your student’s education. Learn how to set your student up for success by making a plan and avoiding pitfalls.