Does it matter that the term “homeschooling” is used by those who are not homeschooling in the traditional manner?
Occasionally the IAHE sees conversations in social media that mention other forms of education where the term “homeschooling” is used. It is not anyone’s goal to demean a different option; but, often concerned individuals become very passionate in their discussions when pointing out that there is a difference. IAHE has made a point of defining homeschooling as parent-directed, home-based, and privately-funded education. Research has shown that thoughtful parental engagement with their own children has proven to have lasting, positive effects. This is the type of education that the IAHE has been promoting since 1983 and legislators know it is effective.
Why does it matter that others who are not promoting this type of education are also using the term “homeschooling”?
Indiana Code classifies a home school as a non-accredited, nonpublic school. With all of the educational options that fall under that category, it is important that we clarify the definition of homeschool and home education. It is critical for families to understand that virtual charter public schools do not fall under this category at all.  Even though the school work is being done at home, these growing virtual school options are legally defined as accredited, public schools.
It is imperative that we do not lose the definition of homeschooling. With all the school choice alternatives, the water is becoming very muddy. With unclear definitions come confusion and increased chance of regulation. IAHE has watched as other states have seen attempts to increase regulation due this confusion, and IAHE is trying to protect the movement in Indiana.
Invite your friends to join the IAHE Homeschool Discussion group; the more Indiana homeschoolers understand the importance of this, the easier it will be to protect our freedom. Standing together, we can protect our cherished freedom in Indiana and provide the best education available to our children. Parent-directed, home-based, privately-funded education is a proven method for providing an excellent education.
Homeschooling works; don’t settle for anything less!
I.Love.This. You have encouraged my heart today.
Thank you for your encouraging words!