
As many of you have observed, there is little difference between the Common Core and the “new” Indiana Standards.  We’ve been anticipating Hoosiers Against Common Core’s comparison of the two sets.   It is disappointing to see that Common Core has been repackaged as “new” Indiana standards.

“Hoosiers Against Common Core has released the side by side comparison of the new Indiana math standards to the Indiana 2009 standards and the Common Core. (LINK PROVIDED AT BOTTOM OF POST)

The comparison was performed by Ze’ev Wurman who served on the highly acclaimed California mathematics standards committee and is a former Us Department of Education employee. His comparison shows what many in the press have reported; the majority of the standards have been imported, some word for word, from the Common Core.

The most shocking difference is the number of standards added in the draft. It is a clear move away from the practice of fewer, clearer and deeper. The new math standards have over 455 standards in grades K-8, the Common Core only had 314. The highly acclaimed Indiana math standards from 2009 only had 171 standards in these grades.”

 Read more here.