
At IAHE, we desire to understand our Indiana home education demographics. We have seen an explosive growth of new homeschoolers in the past several years. Occasionally, elected officials want to know why families are choosing home education, so we need to hear from you!

If you began home education between 2013-2016, please fill out our short survey and tell us the reason you chose home education. (This post is geared toward families who were previously enrolled in public school. If your child was never enrolled, you may indicate that in the large comment box. Just put XXX in the name of school and district.)

Thank you for your help!

Reason for Homeschooling

We are seeing explosive growth in homeschooling. This survey is for those who began homeschooling in the past several years (2013-2016). We'd like to better understand your reason for choosing home education. Thank you!
