
We LOVE homeschooling.

We believe it is the best choice for our children.

We believe that parents should be informed about the negative trends, issues, and ideology in the public school system today.

We value parental rights, homeschool freedom, and all of the benefits that come with it.

A Cautionary TaleAnd, we believe in fighting to defend those freedoms.

Sometimes that love and the fight for freedom can result in heated conversations, lax attitudes, and prideful comments. And in spite of our very best intentions as a community, we find ourselves in dangerous waters when we aren’t careful.

Caution #1

Our love of homeschooling should not be expressed at the expense of others. The public schools are filled with some pretty ugly stuff that we do not want our children exposed to. But they are also filled with countless, loving and dedicated teachers and professionals who work hard each day to make a difference. We should be careful to not present over-reaching generalizations and arguments that depict all public school personnel negatively.

Caution #2

Our freedom to homeschool can not be taken for granted or abused. Yes, you can and should modify your student’s educational experience to meet their needs. No, you should not give high school credit for classes without true academic achievement. Integrity matters! Issuing a high school diploma without true educational merit threatens homeschool freedom for generations to come.

Caution #3

Our pride in our children and in the homeschooling community should not be confused with an air of perfection. Yes, we believe that homeschooling is the best choice for us. No, we do not believe that it is the ONLY choice. Homeschooling isn’t easy and no one does it without making mistakes. Many families are not in the position to homeschool. Others are just not called to homeschool. Pride is a dangerous attitude that keeps us from seeing our own flaws.

caution-tape2We LOVE homeschooling, homeschool parents, homeschool families and graduates!

But we must be careful in our words and deeds that we do not allow this love to become an idol and a hindrance in our conversations with others.