
stand with

“Where there is no vision, the people perish…”

~ Proverbs 29:18 (King James Version)

2013 was a great year for the IAHE!

Most Indiana homeschool families know that the IAHE just celebrated our 30th Anniversary. But, many people don’t understand what the IAHE has been doing for all of that time.

You probably know about our convention. You may even receive our free magazine The Informer.

What else does the IAHE do?

The IAHE is a full-time, year-round ministry with a lot of action that goes on behind the scenes.

Perhaps you’ve talked with one of our 16 Regional Reps when you began homeschooling. Through our reps, we work to connect families with local support groups and help answer questions about how to get started. We are often asked to provide help to families that are struggling in withdrawing their student from the public school system. Frequently, families are given misinformation from school personnel regarding Indiana’s law on home education. We provide clear answers on what is required.

The IAHE monitors an average of 1,600-2,000 bills each year and targets the ones that may affect homeschool freedom. We monitor the State Board of Education and Indiana’s legislative committees,  and watch for bills that impact parental rights and more. IAHE follows these bills through the process and watches for amendments. We also meet with state officials to give them a homeschool perspective, and when necessary, send out Action Items to our Indiana families. The IAHE is your homeschool voice in the statehouse.

IAHE was one of the earliest groups in the country to take a position against Common Core in Indiana in January 2012. We have worked to educate the state about the dangers inherent in nationalized education standards. We were sought out and recognized nationally as one of the key organizations in the opposition movement in Indiana.

Occasionally homeschooling receives negative attention in the media. We conduct media interviews throughout the year to ensure that the public understands what true homeschooling looks like. We were also present at the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati in support of HSLDA and the Romeike family. For 30 years, we’ve held annual events at the state capitol to bring legislators and homeschoolers together.

In spite of home education proving to be very successful over the years, the challenges to our freedoms have only grown. Indiana is not a homeschool friendly state by chance… we have the freedom to homeschool our children because Indiana families and IAHE leaders have been vigilant for decades.

Each year, we see an increase in the attempts to legislate families. Occasionally, we are called upon to testify before House or Senate committees regarding proposed legislation. Our organization’s visibility at the state house, our attendance numbers at the convention, and our subscriber lists, are each critical and vital pieces that make sure that your voice is heard. There is strength in unity. The more Indiana homeschool families stand together, the louder our voices will be heard.

How Can You Help?

  • Your convention attendance matters. Not only is the convention our main revenue source, it is also a vital way to showcase our community to the public. Each year, Indiana state legislators are invited to attend the IAHE’s Home Educators’ Convention. The size of our convention is one way the IAHE is able to demonstrate to legislators the strength of our homeschool community. Your convention registration and your family’s presence impacts our ability to advocate for you all year long. Convention proceeds are also responsible for providing the Informer magazine for free throughout the year. Your purchases in the exhibit hall also matter. Our exhibitors invest time and money to travel to our state. They depend on sales at the convention to cover their expenses. Do you want more to see even more exhibitors next year? Be sure to purchase your curriculum on site vs. online.
  • Volunteer. Due to the impact from for-profit conventions, our convention income dropped so dramatically in recent years that we were forced to to lay off all IAHE staff and close our office. We depend on volunteers to accomplish our mission as we work to protect homeschool families. If you have a servant heart, visit our volunteer page for details.
  • Donate. Just like all non-profit ministries, we depend on the donations of our supporters. We accept donations year round from individuals and corporate sponsors.

 Will You Stand With Us?

 Attend. Volunteer. Donate.

And Share.

Your support enables us to protect the freedom to home educate for future generations. Share information about the IAHE on your Facebook page. Pin our information. Grab our button and add it to your website. Talk to your friends and local support group about why Indiana needs a strong state organization.

We understand there are other convention choices for families. For-profit conventions have big marketing budgets that reach across state lines. Stand With Us and let others know that you support the IAHE’s mission to Encourage, Protect, and Serve Indiana families interested in home education. When you share about the IAHE, you become an important part of our team.

Do you have a support group meeting in need of a speaker? Contact the IAHE to have a member of our organization visit your group.

Attend. Volunteer. Donate. Share.

Stand With The IAHE. 

Want to share this message with your local support group or co-op? Print this Stand With the IAHE article and share with others.