
Dr. Roger & Jan Smith

2024 IAHE Parenting and Homeschool Conference Featured Speaker

Dr. Roger & Jan Smith

Dr. Roger & Jan Smith

Parenting with Influence

The Smiths hail from Louisiana where Roger is a medical doctor, and Jan manages their horse farm and businesses. All four of their adult children were homeschooled until the college years, and home education has been an exciting journey for them. They continue to serve in their church as mentors and teachers, as well as serving on the board of Homeschool Louisiana and The National Alliance of Home Education Leaders. Dr. Smith has a weekly video blog on parenting, Parenting Matters Now, on Facebook and is the author of Parenting with Influence.



Prescription for a Healthy Marriage

If the children are the glue holding your marriage together, you are on the path to divorce. A healthy marriage has characteristics that lead to a thriving home. Bringing 40 years of experience in marriage to bear on the subject, the Smiths recognize that some stages are harder than others, while it is never too late to improve the health of the relationship. The Smiths will share several tools that can help to restore or invigorate a marriage in a busy home where no one has any extra time. Leave this session with one or more ideas to make an immediate difference.

5 Decisions to Transform Your Home

The future of your home will be determined by a handful of decisions. These five areas discussed are essential to your progress in achieving what you desire for your family. Addressing these topics will reduce your stress, diminish arguing, and increase stability, unity, and success.

Help! The High School Years Are Coming! with Roger Smith

Many parents are confident managing decisions and educational choices through the middle school years, but shake with fear when looking ahead to the high school years. The issues do seem to have greater consequences, but Dr. Smith will show a mindset and approach that can energize you to make them the best years. Your emerging adults can become the one who praises you, instead of being your greatest critic. Together, you can not only save tons of money, but you can launch your teen to find his or her own purpose.

Just Tell Me What to Do with Jan Smith

The choices are overwhelming! The multiple approaches and options of curriculum makes our heads spin. Some decisions matter most that lead to homeschool success. This session will help you feel more confident in many of the decisions you face. You will gain insights about teaching multiple ages, schedules, co-ops, on-line learning, extra curricular activities and more.