
Patrick Nurre

2024 IAHE Parenting and Homeschool Conference Featured Speaker

Patrick Nurre

Patrick Nurre

Northwest Treasures

Patrick Nurre’s passion for geology began as a youngster, rockhounding near the Big Horn River in Montana. Today he is a popular speaker and teacher on geology and worldview. Patrick is the vision behind Northwest Treasures, creating geology resources for PreK-12. He has authored 19 books on geological subjects.



The Geology of Indiana from a Biblical Perspective

Discover, perhaps for the first time, the geology of your own state, using the book of Genesis as a framework.

Interpreting Our Nation’s National Parks

This seminar focuses on three of our most famous national parks from a young-earth perspective – Yellowstone, Yosemite and Petrified Forest – and helps you see a new way of understanding their amazing features.

Rock Identification Made Easy

What do you do with those rocks your kids are bringing home? You identify them! This seminar will give you a short primer in basic rock identification, with encouragement to not be afraid of a dirty subject.

Egyptian Chronology and the Bible

Many will dismiss what the Bible says simply because they believe the Bible can’t be trusted in the arena of historical accuracy. Egyptian Chronology is the lynch pin for this. This seminar includes the latest in archaeology as it relates to Egyptian chronology, and is a great help to those teaching early history.