Dr. Georgia Purdom
2024 IAHE Parenting and Homeschool Conference Featured Speaker

Dr. Georgia Purdom
Answers in Genesis
Dr. Georgia Purdom holds a PhD in molecular genetics. After teaching college for 6 years, she joined Answers in Genesis where she now serves as the Vice President of Educational Content. Dr. Purdom and her husband Chris have been married for 27 years and have one daughter, Elizabeth.
Noah’s Ark and the Flood: Science Confirms the Bible
Was Noah’s Flood really global? How did Noah fit all those animals on the Ark? How could just eight people care for all the animals? Is there any evidence in the rock layers for a global flood? Come learn the answers to these questions and more and be equipped with biblical and scientific knowledge that shows Genesis is true history, Noah’s flood was global, and the Ark was a wonderfully designed rescue vessel.
Only One Race: The Biblical Answer to Racism
Are there multiple races of people? Where did Cain get his wife? Are people really different colors? As I share my adoption journey of my daughter from China, we will explore the biblical and scientific answers to race. We will also uncover the evolutionary underpinnings that fuel racist ideas. The history in Genesis shows there is just one race of people and leaves no room for racism.
Genetics, Evolution, and Creation: Most Asked Questions
From mutations to natural selection to “junk” DNA, evolutionists attempt to use discoveries in genetics as supposed proof for the common ancestry of all life on earth. But does what we observe in genetics support evolution, or does it support the biblical account of creation? Discover how the biological principles presented in the historical accounts of creation, the Fall, and the Flood are supported by the science we observe today.
Biblical Authority in the Marketplace of Ideas
Society is becoming increasingly secularized, and Christians are being pressured to bow the knee to the modern woke agenda. The church is supposed to challenge the culture with God’s Word but many times the opposite is happening, and culture invades the church. Learn from Scripture how Jesus and others effectively defended the faith, how to argue and reason persuasively, and how we can “redeem the time” in these evil days to further God’s kingdom.