Andrea Walters
2024 IAHE Parenting and Homeschool Conference Featured Speaker

Andrea Walters
Andrea Walters and her husband Patrick have been homeschooling in southern Indiana since 2008. They’ve graduated their two daughters and have a little longer with their 17 year old son. Andrea’s mission is to leverage her experiences in business, technology, and home education to serve the homeschooling community.
Through the Thick of It: Encouragement for Homeschooling High School
When deciding how to educate their children, families often ask, but what about high school? How will we teach them science and math? Will colleges accept them? Will employers hire them? What about transcripts? Sports? Etc.. We had many of the same questions when we began homeschooling, but we stepped out in faith with many of those questions unanswered. And as it turns out, there were some sacrifices that we had to make to be able to homeschool through high school. There were some things we didn’t do right. However, more went right than wrong. We survived through the thick of it. In fact, we flourished as a family and as individuals during these years. I don’t have a magic formula to give you on how to get your children into IVY League school, but I would love to share our journey with you, encourage you to set aside your fears and unanswered questions, and step out in faith.
My Top 10 Tips For Teaching Math to High Schoolers
As a math tutor, I’ve helped families who just needed a little help getting back on track and families who were at the end of their rope, ready to toss in the towel on homeschooling. I’ve helped students who have gone on to college to major in engineering and those who have just wanted to meet some basic requirements and leave math behind. Through these experiences, I’ve made some observations that I think will help you successfully navigate math through high school.