Rachel Williams
2023 IAHE Parenting and Homeschool Conference Featured Speaker

Rachel Williams
Married since 2003 and an adoptive mom since 2010, Rachel loves encouraging homeschooling moms at every opportunity. Prior to being a mom, she taught middle school Bible at a private school, and believes nothing is more important than teaching your child God’s Word. She loves to read and nap!
Classical Education 101
Have you heard of the classical method? Does it conjure up images of struggling through Latin and studying the Greek philosophers? While those are certainly valid options, the classical method is just that – a method! Come explore how this method of education fits with your child’s natural abilities and development, and how you probably already utilize this method in your own life!
Homeschooling the Only Child
The stereotype of the homeschool family in a 12-passenger van is strong. But what happens when you are blessed with only one child? Or what if your children are a decade or better apart? Come join moms of one kiddo and walk through what homeschooling an only child looks like. We will network, share ideas, and learn that while you may have only one child, you are not the only one child family out there!