
Unit Studies: Teaching Multiple Ages Together – Audio Download

Original price was: $5.00.Current price is: $4.00.

Helpful hints include: connecting with each learning style, teaching with a toddler in the house, organizing your schedule around the unit, keeping God at the center of each unit, and expanding the lessons beyond the front door.


Linda discovered and used unit studies as a public-school teacher and later exclusively used them during her years as a homeschool mom with four children since 2001. She will explain what unit studies are, how to effectively use them, where to find them, how to make your own as well as the benefits they provide for teaching several children at the same time. Other helpful hints Linda will provide include: connecting with each learning style, teaching with a toddler in the house, organizing your schedule around the unit, keeping God at the center of each unit, and expanding the lessons beyond the front door. If you want to simplify your homeschooling days, unit studies will help you succeed and thrive as a homeschool mom.

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Linda Crosby


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