
Common Core & the War Against Knowledge – Audio Download

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This session discusses how Common Core is only the latest manifestation of an educational philosophy that comes back out of hibernation in teachers colleges almost exactly every twenty-five years and will not go away even when Common Core is defeated

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National science standards that don’t teach basic facts about nature; social studies standards that don’t mention a single person, place, or event; English literature standards that downplay grammar and … , well, English literature—these are all part of a larger permissivist educational ideology that has been threatening education for the last 100 years. Martin Cothran, editor of the Classical Teacher magazine and whose group helped defeat the recently released science standards in the Kentucky State Legislature, discusses how Common Core is only the latest manifestation of an educational philosophy that comes back out of hibernation in teachers colleges almost exactly every twenty-five years and will not go away even when Common Core is defeated. Learn what you can do about it.

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Martin Cothran


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