
If you were a registered user of the previous IAHE website, you’ve got access to the new site as well. All existing users need to do is follow the instructions below to generate a password reset request that will be sent to the email address on file for your previous user profile.

Visit the Site Login Page

If you already have your username and password, just visit www.iahe.net/wp-login.php This is also where you can go if you ever forget your password and need to have it reset, which is how we’ll get users logged in the first time as well.

The default username format for existing users is set to “Lastname-Firstname” and the usernames can NOT be changed once they are created.

IAHE Website Login Form

If you don’t know or remember your password, click on the “Lost your password?” link and you’ll be prompted with a form to enter your username or email address on file and an email will be sent to you with a link you can click on to reset your password.

Note: passwords from the previous website WERE NOT retained. All passwords were reset to randomly generated passwords. Emails were sent out with these passwords to the email addresses on file, but we have had reports of those emails getting caught in people’s SPAM/JUNK MAIL folders. If you didn’t see one, you may check those folders on your own email accounts and local machine.

Reset Your Password

IAHE Website Forgot Password

Enter your username or e-mail address on file and you’ll be sent an email with instructions on how to reset your password. If you don’t enter a correct username or email address, you’ll be prompted that your entered information wasn’t correct.

The email you receive will look like the following:

IAHE Website Password Reset Email

Create Your New Password

Once you click on the password reset link in your email, you’ll see the screen illustrated below.

IAHE Website Password Reset

Once you click on “Reset Password” button you’ll be prompted with a confirm message and a link back to the main login page.

IAHE Website Password Reset Confirmation

Once you’ve logged into the website the first time you’ll be presented with your user profile page. We’d love for you to complete your user profile as much as you can. This will help us connect with you and no more about you.